Enabling an enhanced editor experience in OCM and providing developers a quick base OCM Custom Form component that they can quickly customise and enhance to provide additional integrated features for OCM Editors.
This starter kit comes with some basic form field components - not all OCM configurations are supported you will need to add any additionl logic / support yourself.
- Text
- Large Text + CKEditor 4
- Media
- Reference
- Date
- Number
- Decimal
- Boolean
- Embedded Content
I'll also pull in the additional OCM Plugins for the CKEditor
- Asset Selector
- Link Manager
The user interface is generated with tailwind and enables the ability to quickly skin and adjust the look and the feel of the form https://tailwindcss.com
I will be adding multilingual label support - you will need to manage and update the translations yourself.
Dark mode - who doesn't love dark mode..
Service worker cache; speed up the inital load time of the forms