This module deploys a single API to Azure API Manager with the following characteristics:
- Either a non versioned API or an API version set
- All operations for the API
- API level single policy or individual policies per operation
- Logic app backends, but you must create your policy files manually to support this
- Function app backends, but you must create your policy files manually to support this
- Named values can be created
- API versions can be associated with a product
- Portal users and groups can be managed and assigned to products
Include the module in you file and set the parameters
provider "azurerm" {
version = "~> 2.21.0"
features {}
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {}
module "terraform-apim-api" {
source = "JoeAtRest/apim-api/azurerm"
apim_name = "my-test-apim"
apim_resource_group = "my-test-rg"
api_display_name = "My Test API"
api_name = "mytestapi"
api_path = "mytestapi"
api_service_url = ""
api_is_versioned = false
api-versions = []
api-operations = [
display_name = "Logic App Operation"
method = "POST"
operation_id = "logicappoperation"
url_template = "doit"
description = "Sends data to a logic app"
api_name = "my-test-apim"
parameter = {}
display_name = "Function App Operation"
method = "GET"
operation_id = "functionappoperation"
url_template = "doit/{doingItId}"
description = "Calls a function app"
api_name = "my-test-apim"
parameter = {
name = "doingItId"
required = true
type = "string"
description = "The ID of the thing"
operation-policies = [
operation_id = "functionappoperation"
xml_content = "./policies/demo-op-opfunctionapp.xml"
operation_id = "logicappoperation"
xml_content = "./policies/demo-op-oplogicapp.xml"
operation-fa-backends = [{
operation = "functionappoperation"
name = "fa-backend"
description = "A function app backend"
function_app_name = "my-function-app"
function_app_rg = "my-function-apps resource group"
url = ""
operation-la-backends = [{
name = "la-backend"
description = "A logic app backend"
logic_app_name = "my-logic-app"
la_resource_group = "my-logic-apps resource group"
namedvalues = []
apim_product =[{
description = "Product for core apis"
product_id = "prod-coreapi"
display_name = "Core API"
approval_required = false
published = true
subscription_required = true
apim_users =[{
user_id = "UserBob"
first_name = "Bob"
last_name = "Howard"
email = "[email protected]"
confirmation = "yes"
user_id = "UserPeterFred"
first_name = "Peter Fred"
last_name = "Young"
email = "[email protected]"
confirmation = "yes"
apim_groups = [{
display_name = "Computational Demonologists"
name = "compdemon"
description = "Classified"
apim_group_users = [{
user_id = "UserBob"
group_name = "compdemon"
apim_product_group = [{
product_id = "prod-coreapi"
group_name = "compdemon"
If you are providing policy files then they need to exist in the locations specified in the xml_content fields.
This module will create the function app back end for you but it will not include the relevant lines in your policy file for the API or Operations. You must do this yourself. In this example the backend-id refers to the operation-fa-backends named backend1.
<base />
<set-backend-service id="apim-generated-policy" backend-id="backend1" />
This module will create the logic app back end for you but it will not include the relevant lines in your policy file for the Operation. You must do this yourself. In this example the backend-id refers to the operation operation-la-backends named backend2. The named value, {{YOUR LOGIC APP NAME-sas}} is a named value created by this module, it holds the SAS key, and some other stuff I am unable to trim off, and is the name of your logic app with the suffix -sas.
<base />
<set-backend-service id="apim-generated-policy" backend-id="backend2" />
<set-method id="apim-generated-policy">POST</set-method>
<rewrite-uri id="apim-generated-policy" template="/manual/paths/invoke/?api-version=2016-06-01&{{YOUR LOGIC APP NAME-sas}}" />
<set-header id="apim-generated-policy" name="Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" exists-action="delete" />
Rather than storing sensitve data directly in policy files you can refer to API-M named values instead. To use them, you must update your policy files and include the relevant configuration within the namedvalues variable.
First set up the variable in the module or in your .tfvars file.
namedvalues = [{
display_name = "MyNamedValue"
name = "mynamedvalue"
secret = true
value = "This is a secret"
Then edit your policy file to include the named value in the following format, note that counter intuitively you need to use the display name and not the actual name.
<somelocation pref="{{MyNamedValue}}" />