- 一些为了安全性而选择不加入代码的敏感数据, 包含
. - 后端的连接端口为
- 一些为了安全性而选择不加入代码的敏感数据, 包含
- 后端全部接口测试文件. 可直接导入 postman.
- PostgreSQL 数据库初始化代码.
- rust 源文件目录.
.service(user::Login) // POST /user/login User login
.service(user::Register) // POST /user/register User Register (Admin)
.service(user::GetInfo) // GET /user/info Fetch user info
.service(user::GetUserImage) // GET /user/image Fetch user self image
.service(user::GetImage) // GET /user/image Fetch image of user by ID
.service(user::ModifyImage) // PUT /user/image Modify user image
.service(user::ModifyPasswd) // PUT /user/password Modify user password
.service(user::ModifyEmail) // PUT /user/email Modify user email
.service(user::ModifyUsername) // PUT /user/username Modify user username
.service(user::Cancel) // DELETE /user/cancel Cancel user account
.service(user::Delete) // DELETE /user/delete/{id} Delete user account (Admin)
.service(user::Users) // GET /user/all Fetch user list (Admin)
.service(user::Upgrade) // POST /user/upgrade/{id} Upgrade user (Admin)
.service(user::Dngrade) // POST /user/dngrade/{id} Dngrade user (Admin)
.service(docs::Add) // POST /docs Upload a document
.service(docs::List) // GET /docs/all Fetch all documents
.service(docs::GetBuffer) // GET /docs/buffer Fetch documents in buffer (Admin)
.service(docs::DownloadBuffer) // GET /docs/buffer/{id} Download a document in buffer for exam (Admin)
.service(docs::EditBuffer) // PUT /docs/buffer/{id} Edit a document in buffer (Admin)
.service(docs::ConfirmBuffer) // POST /docs/buffer/{id} Confirm a document upload is valid (Admin)
.service(docs::RefuseBuffer) // DELETE /docs/buffer/{id} Refuse a document upload is valid (Admin)
.service(docs::Search) // GET /docs/search/{title} Search documents by title
.service(docs::Download) // GET /docs/{id} Download a document
.service(docs::Edit) // PUT /docs/{id} Edit documents information (Admin)
.service(docs::Delete) // DELETE /docs/{id} Delete a document (Admin)
.service(book::Add) // POST /book Add a book (Admin)
.service(book::List) // GET /book/all Fetch all books (Admin)
.service(book::Search) // GET /book/search/{title} Search books by title
.service(book::Edit) // PUT /book/{id} Edit books information (Admin)
.service(book::Delete) // DELETE /book/{id} Delete a book (Admin)
.service(book::Borrow) // POST /book/borrow/{id} Borrow a book
.service(book::Return) // POST /book/return/{id} Return a book
.service(book::Records) // GET /book/borrowings/all Fetch all borrowing records (Admin)
.service(book::GetBookById) // GET /book/{id} Fetch book information by ID
.service(book::UserRecords) // GET /book/borrowings Fetch user borrowing records
.service(stat::Statistics) // GET /stat Fetch statistics (Admin)
.service(logs::Logs) // GET /logs Fetch logs (Admin)
pub async fn UnwrapToken()
- 404 User not found
- 401 User role unmatched with database. Please re-login.
- 400 Decode failed.
- 400 Failed to fetch and parse token.
pub fn CheckIs()
- 401 Role invalid.
pub async fn CheckAdmin()
- 401 Only admins can perform this action.
pub async fn CheckUser()
- 401 Only users can perform this action.
pub async fn Login()
- 404 User not found.
- 401 Invalid password.
- 404 Password not found.
- 500 Failed to create Token.
pub async fn Register()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 500 Failed to create upload directory
- 500 Failed to save image
- 500 Insert failed.\nDatabase error:
- 500 Fetch user ID failed.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn GetInfo()
- 500 Insert failed.
pub async fn GetImage()
- 500 Fetch image failed.
pub async fn ModifyImage()
- 500 Failed to create upload directory
- 500 Failed to save image
- 500 Failed to update user image.
pub async fn ModifyPasswd()
- 500 Failed to update user password.
pub async fn ModifyEmail()
- 500 Failed to update user email.
pub async fn ModifyUsername()
- 500 Failed to update user username.
pub async fn Cancel()
- 500 Insert failed.
pub async fn Delete()
- 500 Insert failed.
pub async fn Users()
- 500 Search failed.
pub async fn Upgrade()
- 500 Upgrade user failed.
pub async fn Dngrade()
- 403 Administrators cannot self-dngrade.
- 500 Degrade user failed.
pub async fn GetImageFile()
- 400 Invalid image path
- 404 Image not found
- 500 Failed to read image file
pub async fn Statistics()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 500 Failed to get books borrowed count.
- 500 Failed to get documents downloaded count.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn RecordLog()
- 500 Failed to insert log.
pub async fn Logs()
- 500 Failed to fetch logs.
pub async fn Add()
- 500 Failed to save PDF file
- 500 Failed to insert into docs table
- 500 Failed to insert into buff table
- 500 Failed to record log
pub async fn List()
- 500 Failed to retrieve documents.
pub async fn GetBuffer()
- 500 Failed to retrieve documents.
pub async fn DownloadBuffer()
- 404 Document not found
- 500 Failed to read PDF file
pub async fn EditBuffer()
- 500 Failed to save PDF file
- 500 Failed to edit buffer document
pub async fn ConfirmBuffer()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 404 Document not found in buffer.
- 500 Failed to insert document into docs table.
- 500 Failed to delete document from buffer.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn RefuseBuffer()
- 404 Document not found in buffer.
- 500 Delete document failed.
- 500 Failed to delete document file from storage
pub async fn Search()
- 500 Failed to retrieve documents.
- 404 Document not found.
pub async fn Download()
- 404 Document not found.
- 500 Failed to read PDF file
- 500 Failed to update download count.
pub async fn Edit()
- 500 Failed to save PDF file
- 500 Failed to edit document.
async fn Delete()
- 500 Failed to delete document.
pub async fn Add()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 500 Failed to add book.
- 404 Failed to add book.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn List()
- 404 Failed to retrieve books.
pub async fn Search()
- 500 Failed to retrieve books.
pub async fn Edit()
- 500 Failed to edit book.
pub async fn Delete()
- 500 Failed to delete book.
pub async fn Borrow()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 403 Failed to borrow book.
- 500 Failed to borrow book.
- 500 Failed to insert borrowing record.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn Return()
- 500 Failed to start transaction.
- 403 Valid borrowing record not found.
- 500 Failed to update borrowing record
- 500 Failed to insert borrowing record.
- 500 Failed to commit transaction.
pub async fn Records()
- 404 Failed to fetch borrowing records.
pub async fn UserRecords()
- 404 Failed to fetch borrowing records.
pub async fn GetBookById()
- 404 Failed to fetch book details by ID.