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Hack Assembler


Compiles hack assembly language to hack machine code.

Made for project 6 of the Nand2Tetris course and also to learn C.


Download the latest release and run the hack_assembler file.

Usage: hack_assembler [OPTIONS] [-i file]

-f --force Allow overwriting file
-i --input Source hack file
-o --output Output hack file
Creates a file named foo.hack that can be executed on the Hack computer.


  1. Run make or make release (does the same thing)
  2. Execute hack_assembler from the builds directory

Please note that we compile with dynamic linking by default which means it needs to be able to find the c-array-list library and hashmap.c library.

The runpath contains the current path of the program so and needs to in the same directory then hack_assembler.

How does this work?

First off, I want to say that I simplified the explanation a bit on some places, and that it would probably be easier to understand this explanation if you took the Nand2Tetris part 1 course, or at least got an explanation about the Hack assembly language.

This uses a similar architecture then the one suggested in the Nand2Tetris course, it works in two stages.

First stage

The first stage already starts to compile the file, as most of the time, most of the file can already be compiled without caring about forward declerations.

Forward declerations happen in the Hack language when you use a label while it is not declared yet (but later in file).

Labels are simply written inside of the symbols_hashmap.

C instructions are always compiled entirely as they do not use labels or memory addresses.

A instructions on the other hand are compiled entirely if they are simply a number, otherise, they may be a label or variable.
We try to query them from the predefined_hashmap and the symbols_hashmap and use the number found as the number at the A instruction.
Now if they are still not found, they are probably later declared in the file or are a variable, we add them to the unhandled_symbols to handle it at the second stage.

Second stage

Now that the first stage is done, we can start working on the unhandled_symbols.

A second stage is required to be sure that we found every (forward) declaration of labels, which means that anything that is not a label and is unknown must be a variable.

We loop though every unhandled_symbols and if they are found inside of symbols_hashmap, we put the number found inside of symbols_hashmap. Otherise, we add a new variable with the same name to the symbols_hashmap and we compile it.

Once all of that is done, the file is compiled entirely!


In here I will explain the most important parts of the assembler.

src/ contains every file that simply does the "API/Frontend" of the program and anything that isn't really compiler related.
src/compiler/ contains every file that implements the actual compiling.

src/compiler/compiler.c contains compile_to_file (implements stage 1/2) and compile_instruction (compiles one instruction/one line for stage 1).
src/compiler/parser.c contains parse_line parses one line and updates the variables accordingly.


This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0-or-later.

Hack Assembler that compiles hack assembly to hack machine code Copyright (C) 2024 Jayden295

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Third-Party projects

This project uses hashmap.c hashmap.c and all its files inside of the hashmap.c/ and src/compiler/hashmap.h are licensed under the MIT license.

This project uses c-array-list c-array-list and all its files inside of c-array-list/ and src/compiler/array-list.h are licensed under the GPL-3.0-or-later.