aboe-cli (A bit of everything CLI) is a multi-purpose CLI with a set of handful utility commands for day-to-day tasks.
To install aboe-cli, ensure you have at least Node.js version 21.7.1
installed on your system. You can use nvm (Node Version Manager) to manage Node.js versions. The required Node.js version is enforced by the provided .nvmrc file.
# Install aboe-cli globally using npm
npm install -g aboe-cli
After installation, you can use aboe-cli from the command line. Here are some basic usage examples:
# Display help and list available commands
aboe-cli --help
# Run a specific utility command
aboe-cli json2csv [options]
This option enables quiet mode, where no message is displayed in the output unless there is an error. You might prefer this mode when you don't need to see responses for every action performed by the cli.
The verbose option enables detailed logging of transactions and events, such as managing files. It provides more insights into the operations performed by aboe-cli, which can be useful for debugging.
This command is used to convert JSON data into CSV format.
# Usage example of json2csv
aboe-cli json2csv -i input.json -o output/output.json
- -i --input: Specifies the input JSON file that you want to convert to CSV.
- -o --output: Specifies the output file path and name for the resulting CSV file.
aboe-cli is tested using Node.js Test Runner to keep things dependency-free.
Contributions to aboe-cli are welcome! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Additionally, if you'd like to contribute code, feel free to submit a pull request
This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software as long as the original license and copyright notice are included.