Sample JavaEE 8 jca resource adapter for learning/testing jca connection factory
TomEE 8 mvn clean compile install ; (cd module-ear/ ; mvn tomee:run)
Liberty/OpenLiberty mvn clean compile install ; (cd module-ear/ ; mvn liberty:run)
test :
name = "TelegramBotListener", activationConfig = {
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "name", propertyValue = "Enter Bot Name"),
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "token", propertyValue = "Enter Bot Token")
public class Receiver implements TelegramBotListener {
private TelegramConnection telegramConnection;
public void onReceive(TextMessage message) {
String text = message.text();
String chatId = message.chatId();
System.out.println("Receive message " + text);
String[] parts = text.split(" ");
if ((parts[0]).startsWith("/")) {
String command = parts[0];
switch (command) {
case "/list" -> System.out.println("Hey, I receive 'list' command");
case "/help" -> System.out.println("Please enter /list");
telegramConnection.sendMessage(new TextMessage("receive: " + text + " from: " + chatId, chatId));
Maven :
and rar archive:
Activation config properties :
Parameter | description |
name | The name of bot |
token | The token of bot |
useProxy | Active proxy connection on bot |
proxyType | Proxy connection type [SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP] |
proxyHost | Proxy host address ex: x.y.z.w |
proxyPort | Proxy host port ex: 1080 |