Demos and Docs Here
get it
bower install --save Leaflet.EasyButton
npm install --save leaflet-easybutton
- or just copy-paste the js and css
and for the examples, remember to change YOUR_LEAFLET_MAP
to the varable name of your map
open a popup
var helloPopup = L.popup().setContent('Hello World!');
L.easyButton('fa-globe', function(btn, map){
}).addTo( YOUR_LEAFLET_MAP ); // probably just `map`
set the map's center and use an img
for the icon
var antarctica = [-77,70];
L.easyButton('<img src="/path/to/img/of/penguin.png">', function(btn, map){
change the button's function and appearance
var stateChangingButton = L.easyButton({
states: [{
stateName: 'zoom-to-forest', // name the state
icon: 'fa-tree', // and define its properties
title: 'zoom to a forest', // like its title
onClick: function(btn, map) { // and its callback
btn.state('zoom-to-school'); // change state on click!
}, {
stateName: 'zoom-to-school',
icon: 'fa-university',
title: 'zoom to a school',
onClick: function(btn, map) {
stateChangingButton.addTo( YOUR_LEAFLET_MAP );
read the old/deprecated docs here