This is Simple automation of an Dmoney MFS Site. I have used TestNg as a test framework and faker library to generate random users. I Have automate all the major functionality Like 1.Send Money 2.Payment 3.Withdrwal 4.Deposit
- Clone This project
- open build.gradle file in IntelliJ IDEA
- Then Hit the follwing command in terminal
allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report
allure serve allure-results
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Selenium with TestNG
- Allure
- Gradle
- Login as admin creds: [email protected]
- create an agent and customer. Assert agent and customer has created
- search by the newly created customer phone number
- Update customer password. Assert update is successful
- Now login to system account creds: [email protected]
- Deposit 2000 tk to the agent you just created and assert deposit successful
- Now login to the agent account and deposit to the customer account you just created
- Assert successful deposit message
- Now login to the customer account and check if statement is showing
- Now send 100 tk to another customer account 11 Check again the customer statement that 105 tk is debited. Assert with the expected total amount.
- Now withdraw tk 500 and assert the expected current balance after successful withdrawal
- Now go to customer statement and assert trnx id is found in statement
- Now payment to a merchant 100 tk and assert which current balance is expected Creds: 01686606**
- Now login to the admin again, go to transaction menu and search by your customer mobile number to check that payment is shown in transaction list