These are my dotfiles, built with the express purpose of being able to go from a blank machine to exactly how I've had it with little-to-no user intervention required. I mess around with other window managers, so the installer will ask what profile to use. Other profiles are a very WIP feature atm (in terms of getting them setup to how I've had them). Some sort of work, some add nothing.
- get the latest arch ISO
- boot it up and run
python <(curl -sL
- open kitty when you log in;
will auto run - enable all firefox addons (
) - import the various extension configs (uBlock, TST, SkipRedirect, Imagus)
7-zip; bash-completion; (manual aggregator); git; github-cli; jq (CLI JSON parser); kitty (terminal emulator); man-db; micro (txt editor); nnn (cli file manager); thefuck (fuck); tree (directory tree); wget; zsh; zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git
neofetch (system info); pokemon-colorscripts-git; shell-color-scripts; sl (when you misspell ls)
baobab (disk usage); bluez & bluez-utils (bluetooth); curl; firejail (sandboxing); flameshot (screenshots); qmk (mechanical keyboard configurator); simplescreenrecorder; syncthing; yadm-git (dotfile manager)
code; discord_arch_electron; docker; firefox; mupdf; telegram-desktop; vlc
jdk-openjdk; jre-openjdk; rust;
material-design-icons; nerd-fonts-anonymous-pro; nerd-fonts-fira-code; nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono; nerd-fonts-noto; nerd-fonts-roboto-mono; noto-fonts-cjk; noto-fonts-emoji; ttc-iosevka; ttc-iosevka-curly-slab; ttf-fira-mono; ttf-fira-sans; ttf-font-awesome; ttf-ibm-plex; ttf-liberation; ttf-ms-fonts; ttf-opensans; ttf-roboto;
- full arch installation
- auto post-installation configuration
- 99% automatic firefox setup (userChrome, extension installation)
- kitty themed and configured
- zsh and plugins configured
- vscode settings, configs, extensions, theme
- gnome material shell
- latex environment
- neofetch
- git
- lockscreen
- yadm
- kde
- bspwm
- i3 (not even started)
- sway
- make gnome show hidden files by default
- sign into firefox via terminal
- auto discord/telegram signin?
- add telegram's theme
- make neofetch rotate through ascii/images
- dual github accounts setup
- setup ptSh