Erp is a small utility for making interpolation in unity a bit more robust.
Say you want a function like Mathf.Lerp
, but want to use a non linear interpolation?
Erp.Interpolate(Interpolator.Type.EaseInCubic, start, end, pct);
Or do you find yourself doing stuff like this all the time?:
x = Mathf.Lerp(x, target, dampen);
Instead, try the extension methods on float
x.MoveTowards(target, dampen)
Or, use Tween
which calls a function on every update frame until it's done.
private void SetScale(float scale) {
transform.localScale = * scale;
private IEnumerator show() {
// Over one second, move through the interpolation function and call SetScale every frame.
yield return Erp.Tween(Interpolator.Type.EaseInElastic, 0, 1f, 1.0f, SetScale);
- Extend all the interpolators to work on
classes, Quaternions. - Support custom curves, or a component to configure more complex curves in the editor, or some editor extensions for including configurable curves as fields on classes.