- News Aggregator is a project that aggregates news from various places in one place, made with love, NextJS and Tailwindcss. The project has Lint and also uses Prettier to format Tailwindcss classes. Install the extensions to get the most out of it.
First, you will need to get 3 api keys, they are from:
Get these keys and create a .env at the root of the project, there is a .env.example at the root.
to run the project you will need to have Docker installed .
execute to create the container:
docker build -t news-aggregator .
than execute this to run the container for the first time:
docker compose up --build
if you want to run the project for the second time run:
docker compose up
There are some unit tests, if you want to run them, execute:
npm run test
The e2e tests were done with Playwright. They were already installed with Docker. Access with:
The most recent posts from each provider are displayed on the home page, they were loaded server-side and are cached for 30 minutes
By clicking on the header search bar you can search for an article.
By clicking on the 'News Feed' tab you will be redirected to the user's feed. The user can edit preferences on this screen.