12-May 2016: "Panino/Sandwich" release ("PS")
3rd POST-Panino release.
It contains a bug fix in for creating directories.
This release is not accompanied by an ALLINONE archive - install it by launching
the ALLINONE-console and typing these 2 commands:
pip uninstall co2mpas
pip install co2mpas
If pip
fails to download the new co2mpas from the Internet, then:
- download the "wheel" archive for this release:
http://files.co2mpas.io/CO2MPAS-1.2.5/co2mpas-1.2.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl, - copy it into the ALLINONE's
folder, and - change the 2nd command, above, to this one:
pip install co2mpas-1.2.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Read the instructions if you need more methods to install it.
Kindest Regards,
The CO2MPAS-Team