Docker container for ORB-SLAM3
sudo ./ ====> to build the image
sudo ./ ====> to run the kitti test example (loading kitti data to the container)
Inside docker you can run the following command in order to make orb-slam3 work ---- navigate to the root/Examples folder ---- navigate to the mode of operation needed (e.g. Monocular) ---- ./mono_kitti ../../Vocabulary/ORBVoc.txt ./KITTI04-12.yaml ../../../../Dataset/04
To copy a file from the docker image to your machine, use the following command on your terminal sudo docker cp 2e2535712633:/root/orbslam3/ORB_SLAM3/Examples/Stereo/CameraTrajectory.txt ~/Desktop/g.txt
2e2535712633 --> is the docker container id /root/orbslam3/ORB_SLAM3/Examples/Stereo/CameraTrajectory.txt --> path to file inside docker ~/Desktop/g.txt --> path to file on your machine
- You can use the following command to get the docker container ID sudo docker container ls