Metora Cliffs Web is the official website for Metora Cliffs, a video game-inspired progressive metal band that composes songs with a Nintendo-esque/gamey vibe. The website is developed with a video game theme to reflect the band's unique style and energy. It is built using modern web technologies such as Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS, and incorporates a variety of cutting-edge features like Framer Motion, Intersection Observers, Particle.js, React Spring, and React Toastify for a visually stunning and engaging user experience. The website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that users have a consistent experience across all platforms.
- Framer Motion for smooth and performant animations
- Intersection Observer for efficiently handling scrolling events and triggering animations
- Particle.js for creating interactive and dynamic particle systems
- React Spring for physics-based animations
- React Toastify for highly customizable and responsive toast notifications
- Mobile-first design, optimized for use on smartphones and tablets
- Node.js 12.0 or higher
- npm 6.0 or higher (usually included with Node.js)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/IshmamDC217/MetoraCliffsWeb.git
Navigate to the project directory, unless you're already there:
cd MetoraCliffsWeb
Install the project dependencies:
npm install
To start the development server, run the following command:
npm run dev
The website will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.