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Abstract definitions for cleaner Ratify.Properties (#247)
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Co-authored-by: Orestis Melkonian <[email protected]>
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UlfNorell and omelkonian authored Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 972074b commit e65bce5
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Showing 4 changed files with 174 additions and 146 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Ledger/Chain/Properties.agda
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Expand Up @@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ module _ {Γ : NewEpochEnv} {nes : NewEpochState} {e : Epoch} where

NEWEPOCH-total : ∃[ nes' ] Γ ⊢ nes ⇀⦇ e ,NEWEPOCH⦈ nes'
NEWEPOCH-total =
let (_ , pFut) = RATIFY-total
{record { currentEpoch = e ; treasury = treasury
; GState gState ; NewEpochEnv Γ }} {⟦ es , ∅ , false ⟧ʳ} {govSt'} in
case e ≟ sucᵉ lastEpoch of λ where
(no ¬p) -, NEWEPOCH-Not-New ¬p
(yes p) -, NEWEPOCH-New p pFut
(yes p) -, NEWEPOCH-New p (pFut .proj₂)
where pFut = RATIFY-total {record { currentEpoch = e ; treasury = treasury
; GState gState ; NewEpochEnv Γ }}
{⟦ es , ∅ , false ⟧ʳ} {govSt'}

NEWEPOCH-complete : nes' Γ ⊢ nes ⇀⦇ e ,NEWEPOCH⦈ nes' NEWEPOCH-total .proj₁ ≡ nes'
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' _ with e ≟ sucᵉ lastEpoch
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' (NEWEPOCH-New next _) | no ¬next = ⊥-elim (¬next next)
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' (NEWEPOCH-Not-New _) | no _ = refl
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' (NEWEPOCH-New _ h) | yes _ = cong ⟦ _ , _ , _ , _ ,_⟧ⁿᵉ (RATIFY-complete h)
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' (NEWEPOCH-Not-New ¬next) | yes next = ⊥-elim (¬next next)
NEWEPOCH-complete nes' h with h | e ≟ sucᵉ lastEpoch
... | NEWEPOCH-New next _ | no ¬next = ⊥-elim (¬next next)
... | NEWEPOCH-Not-New _ | no _ = refl
... | NEWEPOCH-New _ h | yes _ = cong ⟦ _ , _ , _ , _ ,_⟧ⁿᵉ (RATIFY-complete h)
... | NEWEPOCH-Not-New ¬next | yes next = ⊥-elim (¬next next)

Computational-NEWEPOCH : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,NEWEPOCH⦈_
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28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions src/Ledger/NewPP/Properties.agda
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

Expand All @@ -9,17 +10,20 @@ module Ledger.NewPP.Properties (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs) where
open import Ledger.PPUp txs
open import Ledger.NewPP txs

open Computational ⦃...⦄

Computational-NEWPP : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,NEWPP⦈_
Computational-NEWPP .computeProof Γ s (just upd) =
let open NewPParamState s; newpp = applyUpdate pparams upd in
case ¿ viablePParams newpp ¿ of λ where
(yes p) just (_ , NEWPP-Accept p)
(no _) nothing
Computational-NEWPP .computeProof Γ s nothing = just (_ , NEWPP-Reject)
Computational-NEWPP .completeness Γ s (just upd) s' (NEWPP-Accept p)
rewrite (let open NewPParamState s; newpp = applyUpdate pparams upd in
dec-yes (¿ viablePParams newpp ¿) p .proj₂) = refl
Computational-NEWPP .completeness Γ s nothing s' NEWPP-Reject = refl
Computational-NEWPP = record {M} where module M Γ s (open NewPParamState s) where
computeProof = λ where
nothing just (_ , NEWPP-Reject)
(just upd) let newpp = applyUpdate pparams upd in
case ¿ viablePParams newpp ¿ of λ where
(yes p) just (_ , NEWPP-Accept p)
(no _) nothing

completeness : _
completeness sig s' h with sig | h
... | nothing | NEWPP-Reject = refl
... | just upd | NEWPP-Accept p
rewrite let newpp = applyUpdate pparams upd in
dec-yes (¿ viablePParams newpp ¿) p .proj₂
= refl
109 changes: 72 additions & 37 deletions src/Ledger/Ratify.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,46 +344,49 @@ participatingHashes votes r = votedYesHashes votes r ∪ votedHashes vot
The code in Figure~\ref{fig:defs:ratify-ii} defines \votedHashes, which returns the set of delegates who voted a certain way on the given governance role.
getStakeDist : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → VDeleg ⇀ Coin
getStakeDist CC cc _ = constMap (filterˢ isCCProp cc) 1
getStakeDist DRep _ record { stakeDistr = dist } = filterᵐ (sp-∘ isDRepProp proj₁) dist
getStakeDist SPO _ record { stakeDistr = dist } = filterᵐ (sp-∘ isSPOProp proj₁) dist

acceptedStake : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
acceptedStake r cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← (getStakeDist r cc dists ∣ votedYesHashes votes r) ᶠᵐ ] x

totalStake : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
totalStake r cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← getStakeDist r cc dists ∣ votedAbstainHashes votes r ᶜ ᶠᵐ ] x

activeVotingStake : ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
activeVotingStake cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← getStakeDist DRep cc dists ∣ dom votes ᶜ ᶠᵐ ] x

acceptedBy : (Γ : RatifyEnv) (es : EnactState) (gs : GovActionState) → GovRole → Set
acceptedBy Γ (record { cc = cc , _; pparams = pparams , _ }) gs role =
let open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState gs; open PParams pparams
votes' = actualVotes Γ cc votes action pparams
cc' = dom votes'
redStakeDistr = restrictedDists coinThreshold rankThreshold stakeDistrs
t = maybe id R.0ℚ $ threshold pparams (proj₂ <$> cc) action role in
case totalStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes' of λ where
0 → t ≡ R.0ℚ -- if there's no stake, accept only if threshold is zero
x@(suc _) → Z.+ acceptedStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes' R./ x R.≥ t

accepted : (Γ : RatifyEnv) (es : EnactState) (gs : GovActionState) → Set
accepted Γ es gs = acceptedBy Γ es gs CC ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs DRep ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs SPO

expired : Epoch → GovActionState → Set
expired current record { expiresIn = expiresIn } = expiresIn < current
getStakeDist : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → VDeleg ⇀ Coin
getStakeDist CC cc _ = constMap (filterˢ isCCProp cc) 1
getStakeDist DRep _ record { stakeDistr = dist } = filterᵐ (sp-∘ isDRepProp proj₁) dist
getStakeDist SPO _ record { stakeDistr = dist } = filterᵐ (sp-∘ isSPOProp proj₁) dist

acceptedStake : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
acceptedStake r cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← (getStakeDist r cc dists ∣ votedYesHashes votes r) ᶠᵐ ] x

totalStake : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
totalStake r cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← getStakeDist r cc dists ∣ votedAbstainHashes votes r ᶜ ᶠᵐ ] x

activeVotingStake : ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → Coin
activeVotingStake cc dists votes =
Σᵐᵛ[ x ← getStakeDist DRep cc dists ∣ dom votes ᶜ ᶠᵐ ] x

acceptedBy : (Γ : RatifyEnv) (es : EnactState) (gs : GovActionState) → GovRole → Set
acceptedBy Γ (record { cc = cc , _; pparams = pparams , _ }) gs role =
let open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState gs; open PParams pparams
votes' = actualVotes Γ cc votes action pparams
cc' = dom votes'
redStakeDistr = restrictedDists coinThreshold rankThreshold stakeDistrs
t = maybe id R.0ℚ $ threshold pparams (proj₂ <$> cc) action role in
case totalStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes' of λ where
0 → t ≡ R.0ℚ -- if there's no stake, accept only if threshold is zero
x@(suc _) → Z.+ acceptedStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes' R./ x R.≥ t

accepted : (Γ : RatifyEnv) (es : EnactState) (gs : GovActionState) → Set
accepted Γ es gs = acceptedBy Γ es gs CC ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs DRep ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs SPO

expired : Epoch → GovActionState → Set
expired current record { expiresIn = expiresIn } = expiresIn < current
where -- FIXME: this should be part of a typeclass
infix 4 _<_
_<_ : Epoch → Epoch → Set
a < b = a ≤ b × a ≢ b
where -- FIXME: this should be part of a typeclass
infix 4 _<_
_<_ : Epoch → Epoch → Set
a < b = a ≤ b × a ≢ b
} %% end small
\caption{%%Ratify iii:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,6 +430,38 @@ delayingAction Info = false
delayed : (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a → EnactState → Bool → Set
delayed a h es d = ¬ verifyPrev a h es ⊎ d ≡ true
verifyPrev? : ∀ a h es → Dec (verifyPrev a h es)
verifyPrev? NoConfidence h es = it
verifyPrev? (NewCommittee x x₁ x₂) h es = it
verifyPrev? (NewConstitution x x₁) h es = it
verifyPrev? (TriggerHF x) h es = it
verifyPrev? (ChangePParams x) h es = it
verifyPrev? (TreasuryWdrl x) h es = it
verifyPrev? Info h es = it

delayed? : ∀ a h es d → Dec (delayed a h es d)
delayed? a h es d = let instance _ = verifyPrev? a h es in it

acceptedBy? : ∀ Γ es st role → Dec (acceptedBy Γ es st role)
acceptedBy? Γ record{ cc = cc , _ ; pparams = pparams , _ } st role
with (let open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState st; open PParams pparams
votes' = actualVotes Γ cc votes action pparams
cc' = dom votes'
redStakeDistr = restrictedDists coinThreshold rankThreshold stakeDistrs
in totalStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes')
... | zero = it
... | suc n = it

accepted? : ∀ Γ es st → Dec (accepted Γ es st)
accepted? Γ es st =
let instance _ = λ {role} → acceptedBy? Γ es st role
in it

expired? : ∀ e st → Dec (expired e st)
expired? e st = ¿ expired e st ¿
} %% end small
\caption{%Ratify iv:
Determination of the status of ratification of the governance action}
Expand Down
165 changes: 77 additions & 88 deletions src/Ledger/Ratify/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,101 +8,90 @@ module Ledger.Ratify.Properties (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs) where
open import Ledger.Gov govStructure
open import Ledger.Ratify txs

open Computational ⦃...⦄

caseEq_of_ : {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (a : A) ((a' : A) a ≡ a' B) B
caseEq a of f = f a refl

verifyPrev? : a h es Dec (verifyPrev a h es)
verifyPrev? NoConfidence h es = it
verifyPrev? (NewCommittee x x₁ x₂) h es = it
verifyPrev? (NewConstitution x x₁) h es = it
verifyPrev? (TriggerHF x) h es = it
verifyPrev? (ChangePParams x) h es = it
verifyPrev? (TreasuryWdrl x) h es = it
verifyPrev? Info h es = it

delayed? : a h es d Dec (delayed a h es d)
delayed? a h es d = let instance _ = verifyPrev? a h es in it

acceptedBy? : Γ es st role Dec (acceptedBy Γ es st role)
acceptedBy? Γ record{ cc = cc , _ ; pparams = pparams , _ } st role
with (let open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState st; open PParams pparams
votes' = actualVotes Γ cc votes action pparams
cc' = dom votes'
redStakeDistr = restrictedDists coinThreshold rankThreshold stakeDistrs
in totalStake role cc' redStakeDistr votes')
... | zero = it
... | suc n = it

accepted? : Γ es st Dec (accepted Γ es st)
accepted? Γ es st =
let instance _ = λ {role} acceptedBy? Γ es st role
in it

-- We abstract over the accepted/expired/delayed checks and the enact step to make the completeness proof
-- a little cleaner, and because the normal form of `accepted` is very big, making using `with` impractical.
module _: RatifyEnv} {s : RatifyState} {sig : GovActionID × GovActionState}
(let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = proj₂ sig; open GovActionState st)
(let ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ = s)
open Computational ⦃...⦄ hiding (computeProof; completeness)

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
caseMaybe_∣_∣_ : (ma : Maybe A) ( {a} ma ≡ just a B) (ma ≡ nothing B) B
caseMaybe ma ∣ f ∣ g with ma
... | just _ = f refl
... | nothing = g refl

caseMaybe-just : {a} {ma : Maybe A} {f : {a} ma ≡ just a B} {g : ma ≡ nothing B}
(eq : ma ≡ just a)
caseMaybe ma ∣ f ∣ g ≡ f eq
caseMaybe-just refl = refl

caseMaybe-nothing : {ma : Maybe A} {f : {a} ma ≡ just a B} {g : ma ≡ nothing B}
(eq : ma ≡ nothing)
caseMaybe ma ∣ f ∣ g ≡ g eq
caseMaybe-nothing refl = refl

pattern RATIFY-Continue₁ x y = RATIFY-Continue (inj₁ (x , y))
pattern RATIFY-Continue₂ x y = RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (x , y))
pattern RATIFY-Continue₂₁ x y = RATIFY-Continue₂ x (inj₁ y)
pattern RATIFY-Continue₂₂ x y = RATIFY-Continue₂ x (inj₂ y)

module Implementation
Γ (s : RatifyState) (sig : _ × _)
(let ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ = s)
(let gid , st = sig)

RATIFY'-total-helper :
(accepted? : Dec (accepted Γ es st))
(expired? : Dec (expired currentEpoch st))
(delayed? : Dec (delayed action prevAction es d))
(enact : Maybe EnactState)
(eq : compute ⟦ sig .proj₁ , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ es action ≡ enact)
∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY'⦈ s'
RATIFY'-total-helper (no ¬acc) (no ¬exp) delayed? enact eq = _ , RATIFY-Continue (inj₁ (¬acc , ¬exp))
RATIFY'-total-helper (no ¬acc) (yes exp) delayed? enact eq = _ , RATIFY-Reject ¬acc exp
RATIFY'-total-helper (yes acc) expired? (no ¬del) (just x) eq = _ , RATIFY-Accept acc ¬del (≡-just⇔STS eq)
RATIFY'-total-helper (yes acc) expired? (no ¬del) nothing eq = _ , RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (acc , inj₂ (nothing⇒∀¬STS eq)))
RATIFY'-total-helper (yes acc) expired? (yes del) enact eq = _ , RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (acc , inj₁ del))

RATIFY'-completeness-helper :
(accepted? : Dec (accepted Γ es st))
(expired? : Dec (expired currentEpoch st))
(delayed? : Dec (delayed action prevAction es d))
(enact : Maybe EnactState)
(eq : compute ⟦ sig .proj₁ , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ es action ≡ enact)
s' Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY'⦈ s' RATIFY'-total-helper accepted? expired? delayed? enact eq .proj₁ ≡ s'
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (no _) (no _) _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue _) = refl
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (no _) (yes _) _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Reject _ _) = refl
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (yes _) _ (no _) (just _) eq _ (RATIFY-Accept _ _ h) = case trans (sym eq) (completeness _ _ _ _ h) of λ where refl refl
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (yes _) _ (no _) nothing _ _ (RATIFY-Continue _) = refl
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (yes _) _ (yes _) _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue _) = refl

RATIFY'-completeness-helper (no ¬acc) _ _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Accept acc _ _) = ⊥-elim (¬acc acc)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ _ (yes del) _ _ _ (RATIFY-Accept _ ¬del _) = ⊥-elim (¬del del)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ _ _ nothing eq _ (RATIFY-Accept _ _ h) = ⊥-elim (nothing⇒∀¬STS eq _ h)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (yes acc) _ _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Reject ¬acc _) = ⊥-elim (¬acc acc)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ (no ¬exp) _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Reject _ exp) = ⊥-elim (¬exp exp)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (yes acc) _ _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue (inj₁ (¬acc , _))) = ⊥-elim (¬acc acc)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ (yes exp) _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue (inj₁ (_ , ¬exp))) = ⊥-elim (¬exp exp)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper (no ¬acc) _ _ _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (acc , _))) = ⊥-elim (¬acc acc)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ _ (no ¬del) _ _ _ (RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (_ , inj₁ del))) = ⊥-elim (¬del del)
RATIFY'-completeness-helper _ _ _ (just _) eq _ (RATIFY-Continue (inj₂ (_ , inj₂ h))) = ⊥-elim (h _ (≡-just⇔STS eq))

RATIFY'-total : {Γ s sig} ∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY'⦈ s'
RATIFY'-total {Γ} {⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ} {sig} =
let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = proj₂ sig; open GovActionState st
in RATIFY'-total-helper (accepted? Γ es st) (¿ expired currentEpoch st ¿) (delayed? action prevAction es d)
(compute ⟦ sig .proj₁ , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ es action) refl
open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState st
es' = compute ⟦ gid , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ es action
acc? = accepted? Γ es st
exp? = expired? currentEpoch st
del? = delayed? action prevAction es d

RATIFY'-total : ∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY'⦈ s'
with acc? | exp? | del?
... | no ¬acc | no ¬exp | _ = -, RATIFY-Continue₁ ¬acc ¬exp
... | no ¬acc | yes exp | _ = -, RATIFY-Reject ¬acc exp
... | yes acc | _ | yes del = -, RATIFY-Continue₂₁ acc del
... | yes acc | _ | no ¬del
= caseMaybe es'
∣ (λ eq -, RATIFY-Accept acc ¬del (≡-just⇔STS eq))
∣ (λ eq -, RATIFY-Continue₂₂ acc (nothing⇒∀¬STS eq))

computeProof = just RATIFY'-total

RATIFY'-completeness : s' Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY'⦈ s' RATIFY'-total .proj₁ ≡ s'
RATIFY'-completeness s' (RATIFY-Continue₁ ¬acc ¬exp)
rewrite dec-no acc? ¬acc | dec-no exp? ¬exp = refl
RATIFY'-completeness s' (RATIFY-Reject ¬acc exp)
rewrite dec-no acc? ¬acc | dec-yes exp? exp .proj₂ = refl
RATIFY'-completeness s' (RATIFY-Continue₂₁ acc del)
rewrite dec-yes acc? acc .proj₂ | dec-yes del? del .proj₂ = refl
RATIFY'-completeness s' (RATIFY-Accept acc ¬del eq)
rewrite dec-yes acc? acc .proj₂ | dec-no del? ¬del
= cong proj₁
$ caseMaybe-just
$ Computational-ENACT .Computational.completeness _ _ _ _ eq
RATIFY'-completeness s' (RATIFY-Continue₂₂ acc h)
with del?
... | yes del
rewrite dec-yes acc? acc .proj₂ | dec-yes del? del .proj₂ = refl
... | no ¬del
rewrite dec-yes acc? acc .proj₂ | dec-no del? ¬del
= cong proj₁
$ caseMaybe-nothing
$ caseMaybe es'
∣ ⊥-elim ∘ h _ ∘ ≡-just⇔STS
∣ id

completeness = cong just ∘₂ RATIFY'-completeness

Computational-RATIFY' : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY'⦈_
Computational-RATIFY' .computeProof Γ s a = just RATIFY'-total
Computational-RATIFY' .completeness Γ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ a s' h =
let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = proj₂ a; open GovActionState st in
cong just (RATIFY'-completeness-helper (accepted? Γ es st) ¿ expired currentEpoch st ¿ (delayed? action prevAction es d)
(compute ⟦ a .proj₁ , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ es action) refl s' h)
Computational-RATIFY' = record {Implementation}

Computational-RATIFY : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY⦈_
Computational-RATIFY = it

RATIFY-total : {Γ s sig} ∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY⦈ s'
RATIFY-total = SS⇒BS-total RATIFY'-total
RATIFY-total = SS⇒BS-total (Implementation.RATIFY'-total _ _ _)

RATIFY-complete : {Γ s sig s'} Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY⦈ s' RATIFY-total {Γ} {s} {sig} .proj₁ ≡ s'
RATIFY-complete h = computational⇒rightUnique it (RATIFY-total .proj₂) h
RATIFY-complete : {Γ s sig s'}
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ sig ,RATIFY⦈ s' RATIFY-total {Γ} {s} {sig} .proj₁ ≡ s'
RATIFY-complete = computational⇒rightUnique it (RATIFY-total .proj₂)

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