The Cortex Microsoft Teams integration module allows you to create information and action cards in Microsoft Teams. More information regarding the cards layout can be found in: message card reference
To be able to integrate Cortex with Microsoft Teams there a few key configurations required:
- Webhook needs to be created in Microsoft Teams (Microsfot Teams Incoming Webhooks)
- IIS application needs to be created (example: \TeamsInterface)
- Application should route all requests into the Cortex Flow API URL
- Application should add the Cortex Flow API authentication header
- A trusted SSL certificate needs to be used (Microsoft Teams does not support self signed certificates)
- You can use a free service to generate a trusted SSL certificate
- Cortex server requires connectivity to Microsoft Teams webhook URL
The following use cases drove the requirements for the implemented functionality.
Create card with
- Single section
- Title
- Section Title, Subtitle and Image
- Section Facts
- Text
Create card as an the informative card with:
- Actions with buttons
- HTTP Button
- HTTP Button with Text
- HTTP Button with Multiple Choice
- HTTP Button with Date Choice
- These buttons will send an HTTP rest request
- Actions with buttons
The following subtasks were implemented:
- Teams-Create-Action-HTTP-Button
- Teams-Create-Action-HTTP-Button-With-Text-Input
- Teams-Create-Action-HTTP-Button-With-Multiple-Choice-Input
- Teams-Create-Action-HTTP-Button-with-Date-Input
- Teams-Create-Action-Open-URI-Button
- Teams-Create-Message-Card
- Teams-Send-Message
The following flows were implemented:
- Teams-Incoming-Request-Parser
- Used as a generic flow to parser the requests coming from the Microsoft Teams Webhook
- Teams-Request-Monthly-Report-Approval: