Originally forked from https://github.com/SebastienJoly/IDDEFIX
Impedance Determination through Differential Evolution FItting and eXtrapolation.
is a tool for fitting resonators on impedance data using the Differential Evolution algorithm developed by Sébastian Joly.
It computes the shunt impedance, Q-factor and resonant frequecny of the resonators present in the impedance data for both partially and fully decayed wakes. By incorporating the partially decayed resonator fitting, IDDEFIX
enables the extrapolation of non-converged impedances.
Resonators formulas
- Longitudinal and transverse impedance (Fully/ partially decayed)
- Longitudinal and transverse wake
- Longitudinal and transverse wake potentials
Differential Evolution algorithm for fitting resonsators to impedance
- SciPy
- pyfde ClassicDE
- pyfde JADE
Smart Bound Determination for precise and easy boundary setting
Check 📁 examples/
for different DE resonator fitting cases
- Analytical resonator initialization and fitting
- Resonator fitting on accelerator cavity simulation and extrapolation
- Resonator fitting on beam wire scanner simulation
- Resonator fitting on SPS transistion device and extrapolation
- Author : Sébastien Joly ([email protected])
- Collaborator : Malthe Raschke ([email protected])
- Refactored code and PYPI deployment
- Smart Bound Determination
- Example notebooks for extrapolation of analytical and simulated devices
- Maintainer: Elena de la Fuente ([email protected])