The German DKB bank offers an option to dump a report about your current stocks/shares/... as a CSV. I found it a bit hard to keep track of them in a spreadsheet, so I made a needlessly complicated python program.
In the web interface, click on the three dots on "Depot" and export to CSV. Save/collect all CSVs in a folder, and run this program. Multiple plots are possible, see screenshot for example..
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] -f F [-t] [-n] [-r] [-d]
Small parser/visualization tool for the DKB stock/portfolio CSV export
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f F path to the folder with the csv [f]iles
-t draw [t]otal values
-n draw [n]umber of shares/...
-r draw [r]ate of items
-d [d]ump parsed data (for debugging)