Ethereum Swarm Beekeeper is tool used for orchestrating cluster of Ethereum Swarm Bee and running integration tests and simulations against it in the Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes cluster (v1.19+)
- Geth Swap node
make binary
cp dist/beekeeper /usr/local/bin/beekeeper
Beekeeper is configured with:
- config file - sets Beekeeper's internals, and
- config directory - sets Bee cluster configuration, checks and simulations
Config file is used to set Beekeeper internals:
- config directory location
- Kubernetes client
- Swap client
Default location for config file is: $HOME/.beekeeper.yaml
Location can also be set with --config flag.
config-dir: <user home dir>/.beekeeper/
enable-k8s: true
in-cluster: false
kubeconfig: "~/.kube/config"
geth-url: http://geth-swap.geth-swap.test.internal
bzz-token-address: 0x6aab14fe9cccd64a502d23842d916eb5321c26e7
eth-account: 0x62cab2b3b55f341f10348720ca18063cdb779ad5
NOTE: command flags can be also set through the config file
Config directory is used to group configuration (.yaml) files describing:
- Bee cluster setup in Kubernetes
- checks (integration tests), and
- simulations
Default location for config dir is: $HOME/.beekeeper/
Location can also be set with --config-dir flag.
Examples of .yaml files can be found in the Beekeeper repo.
Config dir's .yaml files have several main blocks:
- clusters - defines clusters Beekeeper works with
- node-groups - defines Bee node groups that are part of the cluster. Node group is a collection of Bee nodes sharing same configuration parameters.
- bee-configs - defines Bee configuration that can be assigned to node-groups
- checks - defines checks Beekeeper can execute against the cluster
- simulations - defines simulations Beekeeper can execute against the cluster
- stages - defines stages for dynamic execution of checks and simulations
Inheritance can be set through the field _inherit.
Clusters, node-groups and bee-configs blocks support inheritance.
_inherit: default
full-node: false
This setting means that light-node bee-config will inherit all parameters from the default bee-config, overriding only full-node parameter.
Action types can be set in every check or simulation definition.
Action types allow defining same check or simulation with different parameters.
chunks-per-node: 1
mode: chunks
postage-amount: 1
postage-depth: 16
postage-wait: 5s
retries: 5
retry-delay: 1s
upload-node-count: 1
timeout: 5m
type: pushsync
chunks-per-node: 1
mode: light-chunks
postage-amount: 1
postage-depth: 16
postage-wait: 5s
retries: 5
retry-delay: 1s
upload-node-count: 1
timeout: 5m
type: pushsync
This setting means that pushsync check can be executed choosing pushsync-chunks or pushsync-light-chunks variation.
beekeeper has following commands:
command | description |
check | runs integration tests on a Bee cluster |
create | creates Bee infrastructure |
delete | Delete Bee infrastructure |
fund | Fund Ethereum addresses |
help | Help about any command |
Print information about a Bee cluster | |
simulate | Run simulations on a Bee cluster |
version | Print version number |
Command check runs ingegration tests on a Bee cluster.
It has following flags:
--checks strings list of checks to execute (default [pingpong])
--cluster-name string cluster name (default "default")
--create-cluster creates cluster before executing checks
--help help for check
--metrics-enabled enable metrics
--seed int seed, -1 for random (default -1)
--timeout duration timeout (default 30m0s)
--with-funding fund nodes (default false)
beekeeper check --checks=pingpong,pushsync
Command create creates Bee infrastructure. It has two subcommands:
bee-cluster - creates Bee cluster
It has following flags:
--cluster-name string cluster name (default "default") --help help for bee-cluster --timeout duration timeout (default 30m0s) --with-funding fund nodes (default true)
beekeeper create bee-cluster default
k8s-namespace - creates Kubernetes namespace
beekeeper create k8s-namespace beekeeper
Command delete deletes Bee infrastructure. It has two subcommands:
bee-cluster - deletes Bee cluster
It has following flags:
--cluster-name string cluster name (default "default") --help help for bee-cluster --timeout duration timeout (default 15m0s) --with-storage delete storage
beekeeper delete bee-cluster default
k8s-namespace - deletes Kubernetes namespace
beekeeper delete k8s-namespace beekeeper
Command fund makes BZZ tokens and ETH deposits to given Ethereum addresses.
It has following flags:
--addresses strings Bee node Ethereum addresses (must start with 0x)
--bzz-deposit float BZZ tokens amount to deposit (default 100)
--bzz-token-address string BZZ token address (default "0x6aab14fe9cccd64a502d23842d916eb5321c26e7")
--eth-account string ETH account address (default "0x62cab2b3b55f341f10348720ca18063cdb779ad5")
--eth-deposit float ETH amount to deposit (default 0.01)
--geth-url string Geth node URL (default "http://geth-swap.geth-swap.test.internal")
--help help for fund
--timeout duration timeout (default 5m0s)
beekeeper fund --addresses=0xf176839c150e52fe30e5c2b5c648465c6fdfa532,0xebe269e07161c68a942a3a7fce6b4ed66867d6f0
Command print prints information about a Bee cluster.
It has following flags:
--cluster-name string cluster name (default "default")
--help help for print
--timeout duration timeout (default 15m0s)
beekeeper print overlays
Command simulate runs simulations on a Bee cluster.
It has following flags:
--cluster-name string cluster name (default "default")
--create-cluster creates cluster before executing simulations
--help help for check
--metrics-enabled enable metrics
--seed int seed, -1 for random (default -1)
--simulations strings list of simulations to execute (default [upload])
--timeout duration timeout (default 30m0s)
--with-funding fund nodes (default false)
beekeeper simulate --simulations=upload
Command version prints version number.
beekeeper version