RSA entcryption/decryption that reads and writes into a file. This task will be written in Python.
use the command
git clone [email protected]:RefugeesCodeAT/gittutorial.git
git checkout encryption
After that you should be able to see the encrypt_and_write method in This method requires three parameters, namely message, keyname and write_to. Your task is to implement the encryption using RSA. Therefore you have to load the public key of your partner and encrypt the given message with this key. Your partner should be able to read this message with his/her private key. To implement this task you have to do the following steps. (feel free to change the markdown) if you completed the steps.
- load the public key as a string from filename. Hint: use myfile
- convert string into RSA key. Hint: use RSA.importKey()-Method
- encode the message as 'utf-8'. Therefore look at the string API
- encrypt the message
- write the encrypted text to a file: Hint: use myfile. To use this method you have to convert the encrypted text to a string.
- commit your task and push it
Go to commandline and enter
There you should see the python shell starting with >>>
>>> from crypto.test import test
>>> test.test()
To exit the shell press Ctrl+D
First you need to find a partner from the other team. You don't want to work on my github branch so we are going to change the origin to one of you. For this task go together with your partner and choose one notebook. You can see your current remotes (origin in our case) with following command:
git remote -v
Change it to your partners IP-address and then check again.
git remote set-url origin ssh://
There you have to change into the master branch:
git checkout master
We want to merge both branches (encryption and decryption) into master. After that we want to push our code so your partner can use your code.
git merge encryption
git merge decryption
git commit -m "merge encryption and decryption into master"
git push
Go to the other notebook and checkout the updated master:
git checkout master
git pull
If you enter git log you should see the commits of your partner and if you run the test both test cases should execute.