Library for quantification of hippocampal phase precession written by Richard Kempter (
The only function necessary for the end user is cl_corr:
[circ_lin_corr pval slope_deg phi0_deg RR] = cl_corr(lin_x, circ_y_deg, min_slope, max_slope)
Kempter R, Leibold C, Buzsáki G, Diba K, Schmidt R (2012) Quantifying circular-linear associations: hippocampal phase precession. J Neurosci Methods 207:113–124.
Also, see Philipp Beren's CircStat toolbox, which this is based on. or or
Berens, P. (2009) CircStat: A Matlab Toolbox for Circular Statistics. Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 31, Issue 10.
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