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User: Query parameters for File open

Hiromu Hota edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Starting from version, webSpoon takes query parameters to open a Kettle file. More specifically, when a browser accesses the endpoint with query parameters, it will launch webSpoon with the specified Kettle file opened. This feature enables webSpoon to be embedded in other web-based GUIs. For example, editting Kettle queries in CDE and Kettle endpoints in App Builder would become possible.


The following options and syntax is basically the same as written in Pan Options and Syntax and Kitchen Options and Syntax.

Parameter Description
rep Enterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
user Repository username
pass Repository password
trans The name of the transformation (as it appears in the repository) to launch
job The name of the job (as it appears in the repository) to launch
dir The repository directory that contains the job, including the leading slash
file If you are calling a local KJB file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory


  • The order of parameters is not important, but all the params should be present.
  • Remember to URL encode strings.
  • trans and job are exclusive. Only one of them can be used at a time.
  • user and pass are not mandatory on 6.1 (mandatory on 7.0). When query params do not include them, a dialog pops up and allows a user to type username and password.


Not open a file


Open a file in a repository


This opens a transformation file Transformation<space>1 under a directory /home/admin in a repository pentaho-ee.

Open a local file


This opens a local job file /home/user/Job<space>2.kjb.

Open a file hosted by a web server


This downloads a transformation file from and opens it.