a tool for:
For some situations, like:
- trying to strictly follow the environment version given in a paper several years ago
people have a demand for install outdated specified versions of R packages.
but as the answer mentioned in pak's issue #668:
"this is how CRAN works. They typically only include the latest versions of packages in their package metadata, "
most tools only handle non-outdated versions.
the only way I found to achieve such goal is:
go to the Archive directory find the packages and check the version and date,
download the file and install it through:
install.packages("<package_name_and_version>.tar.gz", repos = NULL)
however, this process may further cause dependency problems, making the installation process painful.
so I hope there'll be a tool that can handle this process better, which is why UPPAIR born.
can not parse which package is a basic package(e.g.
), lead to installation failed -
forgot to switch the latest package installation, now only packages from archive will be installed, the packages from latest will throw an error about
ERROR: no packages specified
some package whose dependencies includes version requirements can not be parsed(e.g.
gtable, rlang, scales, withr
in ggplot2Imports: digest, glue, grDevices, grid, gtable (>= 0.1.1), isoband, MASS, mgcv, rlang (>= 0.4.10), scales (>= 0.5.0), stats, tibble, withr (>= 2.0.0)
) -
program design and code organization may need to be optimized
only command
are implemented -
no test included