New User Health Plan
User Story
As a user I want the website to create a health plan to follow helping me reach my goals -
We need to have a new database structure for Health plans, so that they can be tied to accounts or not. A new webpage would make sense as this is a major feature we want. Making a health plan should include inputs for the Plan's goal, durat…
User Story
As a user I want the website to create a health plan to follow helping me reach my goals -
We need to have a new database structure for Health plans, so that they can be tied to accounts or not. A new webpage would make sense as this is a major feature we want. Making a health plan should include inputs for the Plan's goal, duration, intensity, and probably more as we develop. -
-A function page to view your health plans,
-Server side compatibility to create and get plans associated with user account
-New Database structure for plans and links to accounts