User Accounts
User Story
As a user, I want my information and health plan to be saved on the app so that I do not need to re-input my information every time I use the app. -
To accomplish this we will have to have a webpage feature to allow users to type in account information for an existing one or new one. Also will have to have support from the server…
User Story
As a user, I want my information and health plan to be saved on the app so that I do not need to re-input my information every time I use the app. -
To accomplish this we will have to have a webpage feature to allow users to type in account information for an existing one or new one. Also will have to have support from the server and a database containing account information. -
-A webpage feature that allows users to log in or create a new accounts
-Inform user if of a log in or create account failure.
-Server can log people in and create new accounts
-Server determines if new account info is valid
-database support for accounts