This project is a spin off from HSL Map publisher, most of the logic used in this project was originally made for the Publisher. This project has been drifting away from the Publisher project, so we decided to make this project in to a whole separate repository.
Install dependencies:
Install pdftk
Create .env file and place your Digitransit apikey there. If you still don't have your own, generate one on or (dev / prod). Without apikey the map won't work and generation will fail.
Start development server:
yarn start:hot
- Write CSS styles @ 72 dpi (i.e. 72 pixels will be 25.4 mm)
- Add components to
for async tasks (PDF is generated whenrenderQueue
is empty) - Use SVG files with unique IDs and no style tags (Illustrator exports)
Server and REST API for printing components to PDF files and managing their metadata in a Postgres database.
Start a Postgres Docker container for routemap:
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name routemap-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
Start a Jore PostGIS Docker container:
docker run -d -p 5532:5432 --name hsl-jore-postgis -v jore-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT= -e AZURE_STORAGE_KEY= -e AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER= hsl-jore-postgis
Next, download jore-data into the database (not needed is you just use "Karttageneraattori"). You can use jore-graphql-import for that, but probably the easiest way to get data is to generate and download a data dump if you have access to the servers.
ssh <server ip>
docker exec -it <container name> pg_dump -c -U postgres postgres | gzip > joredata.gz
scp <server ip>:joredata.gz .
gunzip < joredata.gz | docker exec -i hsl-jore-postgis psql -U postgres
For more information running local JORE PostGIS see hsl-jore-postgis.
Start Redis
docker run --name redis --rm -p 6379:6379 -d redis
For the default configuration, place the following to .env
Note! A password should be used in production! Use redis://:<password>@localhost:6379
notation with the authentication.
value with your JORE PostGIS instance.
Start backend server:
PG_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres PG_JORE_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5532/postgres yarn server
Start generator worker (you can start multiple workers if you want)
PG_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres yarn worker
See hsl-map-generator-ui for UI.
As soon as it is started, run the "Päivitä" function of the linjakarttageneraattori poikkileikkauspäivä to generate an actual poikkileikkauspäivä. If the update function is disabled try running the sql script mentioned below.
Follow the steps 1.-3. as previous.
Manually create and add a default row to the routepath_import_config
docker exec -it routemap-postgres psql postgres postgres
Inside container psql-shell:
create table public.routepath_import_config(
name varchar primary key,
target_date date not null,
status status,
created_at date not null DEFAULT Now(),
updated_at date not null DEFAULT Now());
INSERT INTO "public"."routepath_import_config" ("name", "target_date", "status", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ('default', '2019-07-02', 'READY', DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
Exit psql and container:
Build and start the container:
docker build -t hsl-routemap-server .
docker run -d -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd)/output:/output -v $(pwd)/fonts:/fonts --link routemap-postgres -e "PG_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:postgres@routemap-postgres:5432/postgres" -e "PG_JORE_CONNECTION_STRING=placeholder" --shm-size=1G hsl-routemap-server
As soon as it is started, run the "Päivitä" function of the linjakarttageneraattori poikkileikkauspäivä to generate an actual poikkileikkauspäivä.
where fonts
is a directory containing Gotham Rounded
and Gotham XNarrow
OpenType fonts.