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Custom dashboard I have built to keep track of stocks, news, exchange rates and weather data across primarily 4 different countries: Germany, US, UK, and India

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Custom dashboard I have built to keep track of major stocks and news data across primarily 4 different countries: Germany, US, UK, and India

TODO: Weather, Exchange Rates


Python, SQLAlchemy, Postgresql, Docker and Plotly Dash

Functional Requirements

  1. Extract, load and display stock and news data from the countries I am interested in
  2. Data only has to be refreshed every day

Non-functional requirements

  1. Quick development speed
  2. Portable i.e. it can run on various different systems
  3. Maintainable hence adequate documentation for each function is important
  4. Industry standard technologies i.e. so that I can show employable skills to a future employer

Extraction and Transformation

  1. Retrieve API keys from ini file using Configparser. api_keys.ini file is in gitignore for security reasons.
  2. Make API GET request using the API keys to get the data
  3. Transform data: column renamings and parsing dates using datetime module and dictionary comprehensions.
  4. Logging and exception handling throughout the function in order to have more descriptive and helpful error messages for example when response status code is not 200 etc

Loading data

  1. Define Python dataclasses which will then be mapped to relations/tables in the database. Each dataclass will contain the table name, attributes which are defined as Sqlalchemy columns with types, and the primary key(s) is/are specified.
  2. SQLAlchemy is an object relational mapper which means it is able to convert Python classes into relations by automatically generating the SQL DDL i.e. CREATE TABLE ..., in order to generate the tables. I make sure that we create a Base class which is intialized to the Sqlalchemy declarative base and ensure that every Python dataclass inherits this Base class.
  3. Create a database Engine object to establish a connection with the database using the details retrieved from the database.ini file.
  4. Create the actual tables by doing Base.metadata.create_all(engine.db_engine)
  5. Insert data by creating a database session using the engine and then using the session with a context manager. Then use session.add() to actually insert the data into the tables. Make sure to query the tables before inserting to make sure we don't insert duplicate data with the same primary key.


  1. Create basic layout using Plotly Dash which involves creating dcc (dash core components) e.g. tabs, and html divs
  2. Added styling to components using inline CSS e.g. style={"display": "flex", "margin": "auto", "width": "1800px", "justify-content": "space-around"}
  3. Created callback functions to add interactivity i.e. clicking buttons. A callback function takes in an Input component which contains its id and its value attribute, and then a callback function also takes in an Output component which contains the id and its children attribute. Then within the callback function we can specify how a change in the Input would affect the children attribute Output


  1. Wrote docker-compose.yaml file to specify how to build the images and run the containers. docker-compose is a more streamlined and cleaner way of defining multiple containers, their dependencies and a common network for the containers to communicate between eachother. This is much cleaner than writing individual commands in a Dockerfile.
  2. Specified the ports of the various containers correctly
  3. Create Dockerfile to specify how to build the image for the python app i.e. installing dependencies e.g. FROM python:3.10-slim to download Python base image, COPY . ./ copies the files from local directory to the container, RUN pip install -r requirements.txt to install the pip dependencies
  4. Configure the pythonapp container to only run once the database is ready to accept connections. To do this, I added a healthcheck to the database container in the docker-compose.yaml file. This healthcheck basically involves invoking a pg-isready command every 5 seconds. Then in my python app container, I configure it to depend on the database container being healthy by doing depends_on: pgdatabase: condition: service_healthy
  5. Add command to pythonapp container so it keeps running and runs the pipeline script once. This command in the docker-compose.yaml file is command: bash -c "python3 ./src/pipeline/ && tail -f /dev/null"

Integration testing

  1. Use patch and Mock to mock an API GET request response so we can focus on testing the transformation part of the method
  2. Created a Python class which inherits from unittest.TestCase and add the decorator @patch('requests.get') to mock this method and created a mock object and specified the return value for this mock object

Good coding practise

  1. Makefile for common commands such as test, up, etc
  2. isort to sort imports
  3. format using black

CI - GitHub Actions

  1. Create a ci.yaml file inside of a .github/workflows folder.
  2. Specify the name as CI, what triggers it using on: [pull_request], and then the jobs which each involve steps such as spinning up the containers, then running a make ci command which involves sorting imports, formatting and executing the unit/integration tests.


Custom dashboard I have built to keep track of stocks, news, exchange rates and weather data across primarily 4 different countries: Germany, US, UK, and India






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