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How to: documentation

Peter Robinson edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

How to create documentation pages

Assume we have a Profile: Disease and we would like to add introductory text to the page that is generated by the FHIR publisher. The following profile lives in the inputs/fsh/profiles.fsh page:

Profile: Disease
Parent: Condition
Id: Disease
Title: "Disease profile"
Description: "This profile stipulates that a FHIR Condition must have a codeable concept that represents the disease. The concepts can be taken from various ontologies, but for rare-disease concepts, we recommend MONDO."
* ^version = "0.1.0"
* ^status = #active

We add a file to the inputs/pagecontent subdirectory. The name of the file must correspond to the FHIR element. In this case, we want input/pagecontent/ The file is written in markdown, and it will get automatically added to the file:///.../.../GIT/core-ig/output/StructureDefinition-Disease.html page. It is also possible to add *, which will appear at the end of the page.

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