The intent of this branch is not to replace Ted Tweaks, but rather port only the various QOL features found within it, without the rebalancing changes. If something remains that is considered a rebalance change, please let me know.
This branch does not contain any renaming of items.
Many of the original files from Ted Tweaks have been removed, save for the various Accensus addons.
- Made *ERP repair require holding a button instead of spamming it.
- Radsuit now has a unique overlay instead of a screen tint.
- Cacodemon Corpse volume decreased.
- Modern Green turned into green instead of cyan.
- Invulnerability Sphere now has a CVAR to disable spawning Necromancers, that being hd_nonecroghost and it defaults to 'false'.
- Keeper integration, patched for new wounds also and re-added keeping Blues on death along with a menu for it.
- Light corruption cards support.
- Includes a fork of Accensi's 'spicy air' mod to keep it up to date with the latest builds of Hideous Destructor.
- Bagel: nothing