- Pre-requisites: Python >= 3.6
- Install the package from PyPi directly:
pip install gw2apy
- Create a client:
from gw2apy.client import Client
client = Client()
You can specify an API key to access authenticated endpoints, such as bank content or wallet:
client = Client(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
- Create an endpoint, e.g. Items:
from gw2apy.endpoints import Items
items_endpoint = Items(client=client)
- Request data from the endpoint:
# Returns the list of ids for all available items.
items_ids = items_endpoint.endpoint()
# Return the item associated to an id.
item = items_endpoint.id(id=28445)
# Return a list of item given a list of ids.
items = items_endpoint.ids(ids=[28445, 12452])
# Return a list of all the items.
all_items = items_endpoint.all()
This package is inspired from: