Small and minimal API to lookup path. Managing path when opening and writing to files can be annoying in c++. This small library provides a way to define a new origin directory and to make subsequent path query relatively to this origin directory. Usually, the path are relatives to where you call your binary. This may couple your source code with the location you must start your program from. Having an abstraction that defines a unique origin directory can help in some cases. This is what NanoFileResolver is trying to offer.
You can observe the following in the demo.cpp file. Given the following tree
command output:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│ └── fileresolver.hpp
├── demo.cpp
├── tests
│ ├── folder1
│ │ ├── file1
│ │ └── file2
│ └── folder2
│ ├── file3
│ ├── sub1
│ │ └── sub1.txt
│ ├── sub2
│ │ └── sub2.txt
│ └── sub3
│ ├── sub3.txt
│ └── sub4
│ └── myfile
└── tests.cpp
The following piece of code would create the file resolver with target folder folder2
Grapix::FileResolver resolver = Grapix::FileResolverFactory::makeRecursiveResolver("folder2");
resolver.getAbsolutePath("sub2/sub2.txt") // == <path-root-to-folder2>/sub2/sub2.txt
There exists two resolver types. The LinearResolver
and the RecursiveResolver
. The linear one is a toy example. It will simply look back along the path if the target folder is present. For example in /my/path/is/good
it will start from good
, then is
etc. until it finds the target directory. This is a toy example because it is not very adaptive to complex project structure. The recursive file resolver is going to perform a breath-first-search from the compiled binary. It will perform the search until maxDepth
is reached and will throw an exception if the path isn't found.
The library is header only. Simply copy past the fileresolver.hpp in the include folder.
If the file arborescence is too big, the runtime of the recursive file resolver might be affected (only upon object creation).
- check if the absolute path is existing
- add the possiblity to ls
- catch exception if we don't have permission to access some file.
source code under MIT License.