GladLive is network service comparable to Xboxlive or Steam.
GladLive.Lobby provides libraries, contracts, and implementations for lobby systems for the GladLive distributed network. providing:
- Generic Lobby System
- Lobby ASP Controllers
- Lobby DB Scheme/Models
- PeerToPeer Lobby Implementation
To use this project you'll first need a couple of things:
- Visual Studio 2015 RC 3
- ASP Core VS Tools
- Dotnet SDK
- Add Nuget Feed in VS (Options -> NuGet -> Package Sources)
Available on HelloKitty Nuget feed:
||Debug x86|Debug x64|Release x86|Release x64|
|master| N/A | N/A | N/A | |
|dev| N/A | N/A | N/A |
(Done locally)
This project is licensed under the MIT license with the additional requirement of adding the GladLive splashscreen to your product.