The objective of this project is to offer a service that given a set of paragraphs that conforms a childrens book, returns a set of illustrations that match each of the provided paragraph.
All the labeled data was obtained through web scrapping with monkeypen, using 49 of the 50 available books that the web has available.
There's no need of installation, the execution of the program is entirelly in the cloud. Through the web page fairytale you'll be able to connect with the server, so you can send your fairytale and recieve a set of images.
The user sends the next phrase: "I turned around and took one step. Into a puddle, and now I am wet.", and recieves the next illustration.
Helena Ferran Pauda: [email protected]
David Pujalte Pérez: [email protected]
Pau Tarragó Navarra: [email protected]
Marc Torrens Punsola: [email protected]
Gerard Calvo Bartra: [email protected]