Node.js Wrapper for the Ruby Fastlane Produce Tool
You will have to follow the fastlane API when determining what options you need to have passed for whatever command you are trying to use. For example, if I want to create an app, I'd need to pass the required options of username, app identifier, app name, and company name. This may change in the future, however.
I recommend manually testing the fastlane commands on the command line to see what fastlane expects.
var produce = require('fastlane-produce')
var options = {
skipItc: true,
enableServices: [{service:'icloud', value:'legacy'}, 'homekit']
produce(options, function(err) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else //do something
var produce = require('fastlane-produce')
Accepts a required options object, with the available options listed below. Optional callback function.
Produce Option | Example | Description | Command Executed |
create (boolean) | { create:true } | Creates a new app on iTunes Connect and the Apple Developer Portal | create |
skipItc (boolean) | { skipItc: true } | Skip the creation of the app on iTunes Connect | -i |
skipDevCenter (boolean) | { skipDevCenter: true } | Skip the creation of the app on Apple Developer Portal | -d |
name (string) | { name: 'appname' } | App Name | -q {name} |
identifier (string) | { identifier:'myapp' } | The bundle identifier of your app | -a { identifier } |
user (string) | { user:username } | Your Apple ID Username | -u { user } |
teamId (string) | { teamId:'ekjo' } | The ID of your team if you're in multiple teams | -b { teamId } |
teamName (string) | { teamName:'teamA' } | The name of your team if you're in multiple teams | -l { teamName } |
suffix (string) | { suffix:'pin' } | App Identifier Suffix (Ignored if App Identifier does not ends with .*) | -e { suffix } |
version (string) | { version:'1.0' } | Initial version number | -z { version } |
sku (string) | { sku:'23423' } | SKU Number | -y { sku } |
language (string) | { language:'french' } | Primary Language (e.g. 'English', 'German') | -m { language } |
company (string) | { company:'ABC' } | The name of your company. Only required if it's the first app you create | -c { company } |
createAppGroup (object) | { createAppGroup :{name:'app group name', description: 'app group description' }} | Create a New App Group | group -g { name } -n { description } |
associateGroup (object) | { associateGroup: { app:'app identifier', group:'group id'} } | Associate with a group, which is create if needed or simply located otherwise | associate_group -a { app } { group } |
Note: Both enableServices and disableServices can be an array of strings, array of objects (with required key of service, optional key of value), or mixed.
Option | Example | Command Executed |
enableServices (array of strings or object with required service key) | { enableServices:['app-group', { service:'icloud', value:'legacy'}] } | enable_services --app-group --icloud 'legacy' |
app-group Enable App Groups
associated-domains Enable Associated Domains
healthkit Enable HealthKit
homekit Enable HomeKit
wireless-conf Enable Wireless Accessory Configuration
inter-app-audio Enable Inter-App-Audio
passbook Enable Passbook
push-notification Enable Push notification (only enables the service, does not configure certificates)
vpn-conf Enable VPN Configuration
icloud STRING Enable iCloud, DEFAULTS TO CLOUDKIT but acceptable values are "legacy" or "cloudkit"
data-protection Enable Data Protection, DEFAULTS TO COMPLETE but acceptable values are "complete", "unlessopen" and "untilfirstauth"
if icloud or data-protection is passed as string, it will set defaults. To override default properties,
pass an object with service and value. { service:'icloud', value: 'legacy'}
Option | Example | Command Executed |
disableServices (array of strings or object with required service key) | { disableServices:['app-group', { service:'icloud'}, 'data-protection'] } | disable_services --app-group --icloud --data-protection |
app-group Disable App Groups
associated-domains Disable Associated Domains
data-protection Disable Data Protection
healthkit Disable HealthKit
homekit Disable HomeKit
wireless-conf Disable Wireless Accessory Configuration
icloud Disable iCloud
inter-app-audio Disable Inter-App-Audio
passbook Disable Passbook
push-notification Disable Push notifications
vpn-conf Disable VPN Configuration
Runtime Option | Example | Description |
timeout (number) | { timeout:0 } | specify when to exit execution in case of error |
password (string) | {password:''} | app store password |
path (string) | {path:'/'} | path of directory where produce executes |
With npm do:
npm install --save fastlane-produce
npm test
npm run view-cover
This will output a textual coverage report.
npm run open-cover
This will open an HTML coverage report in the default browser.