- Author: PaulBer19
- URL: [email protected]
- Download:
- Compatibility:
- minimum supported NVDA version: 2021.1
- last tested NVDA version: 2023.1
Traductor (s): automatic translation from french language
The add-on adds to NVDA:
some features can be enabled or disabled individually.
Display of the list of icons in the notification area or windows of applications launched],
Help in the composition of a symbol that is complex such as, for example, a a e related, a symbol power of 2 and possibility to add its own categories and symbols,
Announcement or display of information about the application under focus, such as its version, the active configuration profile, loaded add-on,
Extension of the functionality of the virtual buffer for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome:
- new commands for navigation mode (paragraph, division, anchor, main landmark),
- new types of elements for the dialog box opened by "NVDA+F7" (radio button, paragraph, frame, checkBox, etc) with the announcement of the number of items found,
- announcement of the address (URL) of the document,
- option to browse in a loop in search of a next or previous item,
- scripts to click at the current position of the browser object,
- scripts for tables:
- announcement of the position of the current cell,
- move to the next or previous column / row with reading of the cells composing it,
- move to the first / last cell of the row / column (keep for NVDA versions lower than 2022.2),
- announcement of the cells of the current column / row.
Announcement of the function associated with editing commands style Copy, Paste, etc with:
adding the selected text to the clipboard,
emptying the clipboard,
improvement of the NVDA base script "NVDA+c" which announces the text in the clipboard,
Announcement of the pre-selected folder in the "Open, Save", "Save as" style dialog boxes,
Open previous or current NVDA log and copy their path to clipboard,
history of voice speechs,
renaming keyboard keys,
selective announcement of command keyboard keys ,
simple countdown timer,
restarting NVDA in "debugging" logging level by simple input gesture,
display of visible elements making up the object in the foreground,
quick voice profile switching,
persistence of NVDA and modification keys and specific persistence for the gmail.com site,
shutdown, restart or Hibernate the computer,
management of input gestures configured by user,
sound control] (Windows 10 only):
- mute or unmute volume for the focused application,
- manually or automatically establish the main sound and that of the NVDA audio stream,
- modify the level of the main volume or that of the audio stream of the application under focus,
- automatic recovery of the main volume and NVDA when loading the extension,
- temporary use of an audio output device without impacting the NVDA configuration,
- orientation of the application and NVDA audio output,
- orientation of application and NVDA audio output,
Tools for development of add-on,
Complements regarding the date and time:
- copy of the date and time to the clipboard,
- Announce the time on the Windows clock with seconds,
- announcement of the time independent of the punctuation level.
user configurations management and NVDA restarting with precise configuration,
text analyser,
quick add-ons activation / desactivation.
- remove the announcement from the description of the objects in the Windows ribbons,
- automatic window maximization,
- systematic announcement of punctuation marks when moving by word,
- possibility of signaling spelling errors by a double beep or by a voice announcement instead of the sound emitted by NVDA.
- possibility to block the "Insert" and "Caps lock" keys,
- Pronunciation of non-alphanumeric characters when per-character keyboard echo is disabled.
- Signaling by a sound of the entry of an error in the log of NVDA,
- Title of the add-on's dialog boxes with the add-on's summary,
- configuration of the wait time delay for repeating the same input gesture,
- possible use of numeric keypad keys as standard,
- possibility to limit the repetition of keys.
- menu to explore user configuration folder or NVDA program folder,
- presentation of text formatting information in a dialog box instead of an HTML document,
- Announcement of confirmation style dialog box text even if item description announcement is disabled,
- announcement of the cursor position in the edit boxes,
- script to emulate the "Applications" key,
- script to close all open windows,
- script to display the list of running add-ons,
- possibility of executing scripts in the "Input gestures" dialog,
- automatic selection of the category in the dialog "Input gestures",
- Selection of the last setting used in the synthesizer settings ring,
- enhancements for Windows Explorer:
- a script to announce the access path of the folder or the file which is under the cursor of the Windows explorer, or copy this path in the clipboard.
- a script to announce, going up the folder tree, the name of the folders making up the path of the folder containing the element under the cursor.