ASU CSE 318 Lab Group Assignment - TM4C123G Tiva-C GPIO management library
Github repo link:
main.c file contains an example for all functions of this library
pins are defined by port then pin number example :
PA4 - pin 4 of port A
Use the pinmode(pin, setup) to set any given pin to INPUT, OUTPUT, input with PULLUP or input with PULLDOWN example:
pinmode(PF1, OUTPUT);
pinmode(PF0, PULLUP);
User pinwrite(pin, state) to set the state of an output pin to HIGH or LOW example:
pinwrite(PF1, HIGH);
User pinread(pin) to read the state of an input pin which is HIGH or LOW example:
if(pinread(PF0) == LOW) pinwrite(PF1, HIGH);
- Omar Zohdi - 17p8190
- George Guirguis -17p8181
- Abanoub Tarek - 17p8196
- Fady Mina - 17p8187