gsc.js is a productivity library for rapid spatial web application development. The library builds on jQuery, OpenLayers3 and invokes methods from an instance of the GeoSmartCity Hub.
- See [Wiki pages] ( for deteailed description of the library its modules and functionality.
- Visit project pages to view the library description on the project site.
- Use API documentation to find out implementation-level information of functionality.
# clone repository
git clone
# install grunt (task runner)
npm install grunt
# to install package (dependecies,...)
npm install
# to build entire project (jhint, nodeunit, concat, uglify, jsdoc)
# to run test
grunt jasmine
- Look at the table of responsibilities here and for a clarification use delivered mockups
- Create a new branch (how to)
- As an example you can use this feature branch if there is a bug, open issue
- Start coding your feature
The development of gsc.js is part-funded by the European Commission through the GeoSmartCity project.
gsc.js is free software, and may be redistributed under the EUPL v.1.1 LICENSE.