By giving text a specific color, it changes how it looks:
color | behavior |
#4e5c24 |
Removes the drop shadow of the text |
#3b2b06 |
Gives it a special red color tone (Legendary Rarity) |
#211905 |
Gives it a special blue color tone (Mythical Rarity) |
#403303 |
Makes the text's color an animated rainbow (Trascended Rarity) |
You can try it out using this iron sword as an example:
give @p minecraft:iron_sword{display:{Lore:[
'{"text":"Common", "color":"white", "italic":false}',
'{"text":"Uncommon", "color":"aqua", "italic":false}',
'{"text":"Rare", "color":"yellow", "italic":false}',
'{"text":"Epic", "color":"light_purple","italic":false}',
'{"text":"Legendary", "color":"#3b2b06", "italic":false}',
'{"text":"Mythical", "color":"#211905", "italic":false}',
'{"text":"Transcended","color":"#403303", "italic":false}']}}