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Refactor AssumptionStack #1169

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions crucible/
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@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
# next

* Rename `Lang.Crucible.Backend.popFrame` to `popFrameOrPanic`,
provide helpers such as `popFrame` to manage assumptions without `panic`ing.

# 0.6

* Separate backend data structures. The "symbolic backend" is a
Expand Down
126 changes: 77 additions & 49 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Backend/AssumptionStack.hs
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ solvers.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Expand All @@ -32,13 +33,15 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Backend.AssumptionStack
, FrameIdentifier
, AssumptionFrame(..)
, AssumptionFrames(..)
, AssumptionStack(..)
, AssumptionStack
-- ** Manipulating assumption stacks
, initAssumptionStack
, saveAssumptionStack
, restoreAssumptionStack
, pushFrame
, PopFrameError(..)
, popFrame
, popFrameOrPanic
, popFrameAndGoals
, popFramesUntil
, resetStack
Expand All @@ -54,10 +57,13 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Backend.AssumptionStack
) where

import Control.Exception (bracketOnError)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.IORef
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

import Lang.Crucible.Backend.ProofGoals
import Lang.Crucible.Panic (panic)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,12 +179,10 @@ popFramesUntil ident stk = atomicModifyIORef' (proofObligations stk) (go 1)
go n gc =
case gcPop gc of
Left (ident', _assumes, mg, gc1)
| ident == ident' -> (gc',n)
Left frm
| ident == poppedFrameId frm -> (gc',n)
| otherwise -> go (n+1) gc'
where gc' = case mg of
Nothing -> gc1
Just g -> gcAddGoals g gc1
where gc' = collectPoppedGoals frm
Right _ ->
panic "AssumptionStack.popFrameUntil"
[ "Frame not found in stack."
Expand All @@ -187,60 +191,84 @@ popFramesUntil ident stk = atomicModifyIORef' (proofObligations stk) (go 1)

showFrameId (FrameIdentifier x) = show x

-- | Call 'gcPop' on the 'proofObligations' of this 'AssumptionStack'
popFrameUnchecked ::
Monoid asmp =>
AssumptionStack asmp ast ->
IO (Either (PoppedFrame asmp ast) (Maybe (Goals asmp ast)))
popFrameUnchecked stk =
atomicModifyIORef' (proofObligations stk) $ \gc ->
case gcPop gc of
Left frm -> (collectPoppedGoals frm, Left frm)
Right mgs -> (gc, Right mgs)

data PopFrameError
= NoFrames
-- | Expected, actual
| WrongFrame FrameIdentifier FrameIdentifier

instance PP.Pretty PopFrameError where
pretty =
NoFrames -> PP.pretty "Pop with no push in goal collector."
WrongFrame expected actual ->
[ PP.pretty "Mismatch in assumption stack frames."
, PP.pretty "Expected ident:"
, PP.viaShow expected
, PP.pretty "Current frame:"
, PP.viaShow actual

instance Show PopFrameError where
show = show . PP.pretty

-- | Pop a previously-pushed assumption frame from the stack.
-- All assumptions in that frame will be forgotten. The
-- assumptions contained in the popped frame are returned.
popFrame :: Monoid asmp => FrameIdentifier -> AssumptionStack asmp ast -> IO asmp
-- Returns 'Left' if there are no frames on the stack, or if the top frame
-- doesn\'t have the provided 'FrameIdentifier'.
popFrame ::
Monoid asmp =>
FrameIdentifier ->
AssumptionStack asmp ast ->
IO (Either PopFrameError (PoppedFrame asmp ast))
popFrame ident stk =
atomicModifyIORef' (proofObligations stk) $ \gc ->
case gcPop gc of
Left (ident', assumes, mg, gc1)
| ident == ident' ->
let gc' = case mg of
Nothing -> gc1
Just g -> gcAddGoals g gc1
in (gc', assumes)
| otherwise ->
panic "AssumptionStack.popFrame"
[ "Push/pop mismatch in assumption stack!"
, "*** Current frame: " ++ showFrameId ident
, "*** Expected ident: " ++ showFrameId ident'
Right _ ->
panic "AssumptionStack.popFrame"
[ "Pop with no push in goal collector."
, "*** Current frame: " ++ showFrameId ident

showFrameId (FrameIdentifier x) = show x
popFrameUnchecked stk <&>
Left frm
| ident == poppedFrameId frm -> Right frm
| otherwise -> Left (WrongFrame ident (poppedFrameId frm))
Right _ -> Left NoFrames

-- | Pop a previously-pushed assumption frame from the stack.
-- All assumptions in that frame will be forgotten. The
-- assumptions contained in the popped frame are returned.
-- Panics if there are no frames on the stack, or if the top frame doesn\'t
-- have the provided 'FrameIdentifier'.
popFrameOrPanic :: Monoid asmp => FrameIdentifier -> AssumptionStack asmp ast -> IO asmp
popFrameOrPanic ident stk =
popFrame ident stk <&>
Left err -> panic "AssumptionStack.popFrame" [show err]
Right frm -> poppedAssumptions frm

-- | Pop the assumptions and goals from the top frame.
-- Panics if there are no frames on the stack, or if the top frame doesn\'t
-- have the provided 'FrameIdentifier'.
popFrameAndGoals ::
Monoid asmp =>
FrameIdentifier ->
AssumptionStack asmp ast ->
IO (asmp, Maybe (Goals asmp ast))
popFrameAndGoals ident stk =
atomicModifyIORef' (proofObligations stk) $ \gc ->
case gcPop gc of
Left (ident', assumes, mg, gc1)
| ident == ident' -> (gc1, (assumes, mg))
| otherwise ->
panic "AssumptionStack.popFrameAndGoals"
[ "Push/pop mismatch in assumption stack!"
, "*** Current frame: " ++ showFrameId ident
, "*** Expected ident: " ++ showFrameId ident'
Right _ ->
panic "AssumptionStack.popFrameAndGoals"
[ "Pop with no push in goal collector."
, "*** Current frame: " ++ showFrameId ident

showFrameId (FrameIdentifier x) = show x

popFrame ident stk <&>
Left err -> panic "AssumptionStack.popFrameAndGoals" [show err]
Right frm -> (poppedAssumptions frm, poppedGoals frm)

-- | Run an action in the scope of a fresh assumption frame.
-- The frame will be popped and returned on successful
Expand All @@ -252,5 +280,5 @@ inFreshFrame stk action =
(pushFrame stk)
(\ident -> popFrame ident stk)
(\ident -> do x <- action
frm <- popFrame ident stk
frm <- popFrameOrPanic ident stk
return (frm, x))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Backend/Online.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ instance (IsSymInterface (B.ExprBuilder scope st fs), OnlineSolver solver) =>

popAssumptionFrame bak ident =
-- NB, pop the frame whether or not the solver pop succeeds
do frm <- popFrame ident (assumptionStack bak)
do frm <- popFrameOrPanic ident (assumptionStack bak)
withSolverProcess bak (pure ()) pop
return frm

Expand Down
46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Backend/ProofGoals.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Backend.ProofGoals
, traverseGoalCollectorWithAssumptions

-- ** Context management
, PoppedFrame(..)
, collectPoppedGoals
, gcAddAssumes, gcProve
, gcPush, gcPop, gcAddGoals,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,23 +267,35 @@ gcAddAssumes :: Monoid asmp => asmp -> GoalCollector asmp goal -> GoalCollector
gcAddAssumes as' (CollectingAssumptions as gls) = CollectingAssumptions (as <> as') gls
gcAddAssumes as' gls = CollectingAssumptions as' gls

{- | Pop to the last push, or all the way to the top, if there were no more pushes.
If the result is 'Left', then we popped until an explicitly marked push;
in that case we return:

1. the frame identifier of the popped frame,
2. the assumptions that were forgotten,
3. any proof goals that were generated since the frame push, and
4. the state of the collector before the push.
-- | A frame, popped by 'gcPop'
data PoppedFrame asmp goal
= PoppedFrame
{ -- | The frame identifier of the popped frame
poppedFrameId :: !FrameIdentifier
-- | The assumptions that were forgotten by the pop
, poppedAssumptions :: asmp
-- | Any proof goals that were generated since the frame push
, poppedGoals :: Maybe (Goals asmp goal)
-- | The state of the collector before the push.
, poppedCollector :: GoalCollector asmp goal

-- | Retrieve the 'GoalCollector' from a 'PoppedFrame', adding the
-- 'poppedGoals' (if there are any) via 'gcAddGoals'.
collectPoppedGoals :: PoppedFrame asmp goal -> GoalCollector asmp goal
collectPoppedGoals frm =
case poppedGoals frm of
Nothing -> poppedCollector frm
Just goals -> gcAddGoals goals (poppedCollector frm)

{- | Pop to the last push, or all the way to the top, if there were no more pushes.
If the result is 'Left', then we popped until an explicitly marked push.
If the result is 'Right', then we popped all the way to the top, and the
result is the goal tree, or 'Nothing' if there were no goals. -}

gcPop ::
Monoid asmp =>
GoalCollector asmp goal ->
Either (FrameIdentifier, asmp, Maybe (Goals asmp goal), GoalCollector asmp goal)
(Maybe (Goals asmp goal))
Either (PoppedFrame asmp goal) (Maybe (Goals asmp goal))
gcPop = go Nothing mempty

Expand All @@ -293,7 +307,7 @@ gcPop = go Nothing mempty
Right (goalsConj (proveAll gs) hole)

go hole as (CollectorFrame fid gc) =
Left (fid, as, hole, gc)
Left (PoppedFrame fid as hole gc)

go hole as (CollectingAssumptions as' gc) =
go (assuming as' <$> hole) (as' <> as) gc
Expand All @@ -303,10 +317,10 @@ gcPop = go Nothing mempty

-- | Get all currently collected goals.
gcFinish :: Monoid asmp => GoalCollector asmp goal -> Maybe (Goals asmp goal)
gcFinish gc = case gcPop gc of
Left (_,_,Just g,gc1) -> gcFinish (gcAddGoals g gc1)
Left (_,_,Nothing,gc1) -> gcFinish gc1
Right a -> a
gcFinish gc =
case gcPop gc of
Left poppedFrame -> gcFinish (collectPoppedGoals poppedFrame)
Right a -> a

-- | Reset the goal collector to the empty assumption state; but first
-- collect all the pending proof goals and stash them.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Backend/Simple.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ instance IsSymInterface (B.ExprBuilder t st fs) =>
AS.pushFrame (sbAssumptionStack bak)

popAssumptionFrame bak ident = do
AS.popFrame ident (sbAssumptionStack bak)
AS.popFrameOrPanic ident (sbAssumptionStack bak)

popAssumptionFrameAndObligations bak ident = do
AS.popFrameAndGoals ident (sbAssumptionStack bak)
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