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Merge pull request #1211 from langston-barrett/lb/conc-to-sym
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Inject concrete values back into symbolic expressions
  • Loading branch information
langston-barrett authored Jun 7, 2024
2 parents 976a16e + 53bf1e4 commit 4189007
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Showing 4 changed files with 215 additions and 9 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion crucible-llvm/src/Lang/Crucible/LLVM/MemModel/Pointer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ module Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Pointer
, concPtr'
, concPtrFn
, concPtrFnMap
, concToSymPtrFn
, concToSymPtrFnMap

-- * Operations on valid pointers
, constOffset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,7 +102,6 @@ import qualified What4.Expr.GroundEval as W4GE
import What4.Interface
import What4.InterpretedFloatingPoint
import What4.Expr (GroundValue)
import What4.Expr.App (Expr)

import Lang.Crucible.Backend
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Concretize as Conc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +247,25 @@ concPtrFn = Conc.IntrinsicConcFn $ \ctx tyCtx ptr ->
concPtrFnMap :: MapF.MapF SymbolRepr (Conc.IntrinsicConcFn t)
concPtrFnMap = MapF.singleton (knownSymbol @"LLVM_pointer") concPtrFn

-- | A 'Conc.IntrinsicConcToSymFn' for LLVM pointers
concToSymPtrFn :: Conc.IntrinsicConcToSymFn "LLVM_pointer"
concToSymPtrFn = Conc.IntrinsicConcToSymFn $ \sym tyCtx ptr ->
case Ctx.viewAssign tyCtx of
Ctx.AssignExtend (Ctx.viewAssign -> Ctx.AssignEmpty) (BVRepr _) ->
concLLVMPtrToSymbolic sym ptr
-- These are impossible by the definition of LLVMPointerImpl
Ctx.AssignEmpty ->
panic "LLVM.MemModel.Pointer.concToSymPtrFn"
[ "Impossible: LLVMPointerType empty context" ]
Ctx.AssignExtend _ _ ->
panic "LLVM.MemModel.Pointer.concToSymPtrFn"
[ "Impossible: LLVMPointerType ill-formed context" ]

-- | A singleton map suitable for use in 'Crucible.Concretize.concToSym' if LLVM
-- pointers are the only intrinsic type in use
concToSymPtrFnMap :: MapF.MapF SymbolRepr Conc.IntrinsicConcToSymFn
concToSymPtrFnMap = MapF.singleton (knownSymbol @"LLVM_pointer") concToSymPtrFn

-- | Mux function specialized to LLVM pointer values.
muxLLVMPtr ::
(1 <= w) =>
Expand Down
193 changes: 186 additions & 7 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Concretize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,9 +37,14 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Concretize
, concRegValue
, concRegEntry
, concRegMap
-- * There and back again
, IntrinsicConcToSymFn(..)
, concToSym
) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
Expand All @@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC (traverseFC)

import What4.Expr (Expr)
import What4.Expr (Expr, ExprBuilder, Flags, FloatModeRepr(..))
import qualified What4.Expr.GroundEval as W4GE
import What4.Interface (SymExpr)
import qualified What4.Interface as W4I
Expand All @@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegValue as RV
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence as SymSeq
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Utils.MuxTree as MuxTree
import Lang.Crucible.Types
import Lang.Crucible.Panic (panic)

-- | Newtype to allow partial application of 'ConcRegValue'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ type family ConcRegValue sym tp where
ConcRegValue sym (SequenceType tp) = [ConcRV' sym tp]
ConcRegValue sym (StructType ctx) = Ctx.Assignment (ConcRV' sym) ctx
ConcRegValue sym (VariantType ctx) = Ctx.Assignment (ConcVariantBranch sym) ctx
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) = [RefCell tp]
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) = NonEmpty (RefCell tp)
ConcRegValue sym (WordMapType w tp) = () -- TODO: possible to do something meaningful?
ConcRegValue sym (RecursiveType nm ctx) = ConcRegValue sym (UnrollType nm ctx)
ConcRegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx) = ConcIntrinsic nm ctx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,8 +274,16 @@ concMux ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
ConcCtx sym t ->
MuxTree.MuxTree sym a ->
IO [a]
concMux ctx = go . MuxTree.viewMuxTree
IO (NonEmpty a)
concMux ctx mt = do
l <- go (MuxTree.viewMuxTree mt)
case NE.nonEmpty l of
-- This is impossible because the only way to make a MuxTree is with
-- `toMuxTree`, which uses `truePred`.
Nothing ->
panic "Lang.Crucible.Concretize.concMux"
[ "Impossible: Mux tree had no feasible branches?" ]
Just ne -> pure ne
go [] = pure []
go ((val, p):xs) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,15 +388,15 @@ concRegValue ctx tp v =
(StringRepr _, _) -> ground ctx v
(SymbolicArrayRepr _idxs _tp', _) -> ground ctx v
(SymbolicStructRepr _tys, _) -> ground ctx v

-- Trivial cases
(UnitRepr, ()) -> pure ()
(CharRepr, _) -> pure v

-- Simple recursive cases
(AnyRepr, RV.AnyValue tp' v') ->
ConcAnyValue tp' . ConcRV' <$> concRegValue ctx tp' v'
(RecursiveRepr symb tyCtx, RV.RolledType v') ->
(RecursiveRepr symb tyCtx, RV.RolledType v') ->
concRegValue ctx (unrollType symb tyCtx) v'
(StructRepr tps, _) ->
Ctx.zipWithM (\tp' (RV.RV v') -> ConcRV' <$> concRegValue ctx tp' v') tps v
Expand All @@ -396,7 +410,7 @@ concRegValue ctx tp v =
concFnVal ctx args ret v
(IntrinsicRepr nm tyCtx, _) ->
case tryConcIntrinsic ctx nm tyCtx v of
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
let strNm = Text.unpack (symbolRepr nm) in
fail ("Missing concretization function for intrinsic: " ++ strNm)
Just r -> r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,3 +443,168 @@ concRegMap ::
RegMap sym tps ->
IO (Ctx.Assignment (ConcRV' sym) tps)
concRegMap ctx (RM.RegMap m) = traverseFC (fmap ConcRV' . concRegEntry ctx) m

-- * concToSym

-- | Function for re-symbolizing an intrinsic type
type IntrinsicConcToSymFn :: Symbol -> Type
newtype IntrinsicConcToSymFn nm
= IntrinsicConcToSymFn
(forall sym ctx.
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Ctx.Assignment TypeRepr ctx ->
ConcIntrinsic nm ctx ->
IO (RegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx)))

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymAny ::
(sym ~ ExprBuilder scope st (Flags fm)) =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
FloatModeRepr fm ->
ConcRegValue sym AnyType ->
IO (RegValue sym AnyType)
concToSymAny sym iFns fm (ConcAnyValue tp' (ConcRV' v')) =
RV.AnyValue tp' <$> concToSym sym iFns fm tp' v'

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymFn ::
(sym ~ ExprBuilder scope st (Flags fm)) =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
FloatModeRepr fm ->
Ctx.Assignment (TypeRepr) as ->
TypeRepr r ->
ConcRegValue sym (FunctionHandleType as r) ->
IO (RegValue sym (FunctionHandleType as r))
concToSymFn sym iFns fm as r f =
case f of
ConcClosureFnVal clos vtp (ConcRV' v) -> do
v' <- concToSym sym iFns fm vtp v
clos' <- concToSymFn sym iFns fm (as Ctx.:> vtp) r clos
pure (RV.ClosureFnVal clos' vtp v')

ConcVarargsFnVal hdl extra ->
pure (RV.VarargsFnVal hdl extra)

ConcHandleFnVal hdl ->
pure (RV.HandleFnVal hdl)

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymIntrinsic ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
SymbolRepr nm ->
CtxRepr ctx ->
ConcRegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx) ->
IO (RegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx))
concToSymIntrinsic sym iFns nm tyCtx v =
case MapF.lookup nm iFns of
Nothing ->
let strNm = Text.unpack (symbolRepr nm) in
fail ("Missing concretization function for intrinsic: " ++ strNm)
Just (IntrinsicConcToSymFn f) -> f sym tyCtx v

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymMaybe ::
(sym ~ ExprBuilder scope st (Flags fm)) =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
FloatModeRepr fm ->
TypeRepr tp ->
ConcRegValue sym (MaybeType tp) ->
IO (RegValue sym (MaybeType tp))
concToSymMaybe sym iFns fm tp =
Nothing -> pure (W4P.Err ())
Just v ->
W4P.justPartExpr sym <$> concToSym sym iFns fm tp v

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymRef ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) ->
IO (RegValue sym (ReferenceType tp))
concToSymRef sym (v NE.:| _) = pure (MuxTree.toMuxTree sym v)

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymVariant ::
forall sym tps scope st fm.
(sym ~ ExprBuilder scope st (Flags fm)) =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
FloatModeRepr fm ->
CtxRepr tps ->
ConcRegValue sym (VariantType tps) ->
IO (RegValue sym (VariantType tps))
concToSymVariant sym iFns fm tps v = Ctx.zipWithM go tps v
go :: forall tp. TypeRepr tp -> ConcVariantBranch sym tp -> IO (RV.VariantBranch sym tp)
go tp (ConcVariantBranch b) =
case b of
Nothing -> pure (RV.VB (W4P.Err ()))
Just (ConcRV' v') ->
RV.VB . W4P.justPartExpr sym <$> concToSym sym iFns fm tp v'

-- | Inject a 'ConcRegValue' back into a 'RegValue'.
concToSym ::
(sym ~ ExprBuilder scope st (Flags fm)) =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
FloatModeRepr fm ->
TypeRepr tp ->
ConcRegValue sym tp ->
IO (RegValue sym tp)
concToSym sym iFns fm tp v =
case tp of
-- Base types
BoolRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseBoolRepr v
BVRepr width -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseBVRepr width) v
ComplexRealRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseComplexRepr v
FloatRepr fi ->
case fm of
FloatIEEERepr ->
W4I.floatLit sym (floatInfoToPrecisionRepr fi) v
FloatUninterpretedRepr -> do
sv <- W4GE.groundToSym sym (floatInfoToBVTypeRepr fi) v
iFloatFromBinary sym fi sv
FloatRealRepr ->
iFloatLitRational sym fi v
IEEEFloatRepr fpp -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseFloatRepr fpp) v
IntegerRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseIntegerRepr v
NatRepr -> W4I.integerToNat sym =<< W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseIntegerRepr v
RealValRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseRealRepr v
StringRepr si -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseStringRepr si) v
SymbolicArrayRepr idxs tp' -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseArrayRepr idxs tp') v
SymbolicStructRepr tys -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseStructRepr tys) v

-- Trivial cases
UnitRepr -> pure ()
CharRepr -> pure v

-- Simple recursive cases
RecursiveRepr symb tyCtx ->
RV.RolledType <$> concToSym sym iFns fm (unrollType symb tyCtx) v
SequenceRepr tp' ->
SymSeq.fromListSymSequence sym =<< traverse (concToSym sym iFns fm tp' . unConcRV') v
StringMapRepr tp' ->
traverse (fmap (W4P.justPartExpr sym) . concToSym sym iFns fm tp' . unConcRV') v
StructRepr tps ->
Ctx.zipWithM (\tp' (ConcRV' v') -> RV.RV <$> concToSym sym iFns fm tp' v') tps v
VectorRepr tp' ->
traverse (concToSym sym iFns fm tp' . unConcRV') v

-- Cases with helper functions
AnyRepr -> concToSymAny sym iFns fm v
MaybeRepr tp' -> concToSymMaybe sym iFns fm tp' v
FunctionHandleRepr args ret -> concToSymFn sym iFns fm args ret v
IntrinsicRepr nm tyCtx -> concToSymIntrinsic sym iFns nm tyCtx v
ReferenceRepr _tp' -> concToSymRef sym v
VariantRepr tps -> concToSymVariant sym iFns fm tps v

-- Incomplete cases
WordMapRepr _ _ -> fail "concToSym does not yet support WordMap"
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Simulator/SymSequence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence
( SymSequence(..)
, nilSymSequence
, consSymSequence
, fromListSymSequence
, appendSymSequence
, muxSymSequence
, isNilSymSequence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,6 +168,12 @@ consSymSequence _sym x xs =
do n <- freshNonce globalNonceGenerator
pure (SymSequenceCons n x xs)

fromListSymSequence :: sym -> [a] -> IO (SymSequence sym a)
fromListSymSequence sym =
[] -> nilSymSequence sym
(x:xs) -> consSymSequence sym x =<< fromListSymSequence sym xs

-- | Append two sequences
appendSymSequence ::
sym ->
Expand Down

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