...or Quiksave... the name is to be determined.
This is a project using the Django framework. It features vanilla JavaScript and CSS using the BEM naming convention.
- Git Clone this repo
- Install Dependencies
pip install django
pip install markdown
pip install faker
- Navigate to the cloned directory
- Make Migrations
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
- Run the command to generate dummy data
python manage.py generatedummydata
- Run the development server
python manage.py runserver
This site is still in its infancy. Lots of work is being done almost everyday. Check back in the future, or leave a suggestion if you have a feature you want to see.
There are just a few apps in QuickSave:
- Accounts
- Feed
- Core
This app holds the login and register templates. It has the ExtendedUserData model, which is used to extend the built-in Django User model with additional data and functionality.
This is the primary part of the app. It holds the models for posts, games, and a few additional supporting models.
It holds all the templates that a logged in user sees, including the main feed page, search, game landing pages, game browsing, and individual post pages.
The core app is for project level functionality for developers. Right now, the only thing it is used for is a command for generating dummy data to fill the site.