Hey there, I'm Gage. I'm currently an IT Security Analyst and trying to make the jump into a security-focused software dev career.
Currently, I am part of a small team that operates the SOC at one of the largest paper manufacturing companies in the world. I have around 5 years of IT sysadmin experience, where I held the CompTIA Triad (A+, Net+, Sec+). The CISSP title is coming soon and I'm plastering it everywhere afterward.
I want to position myself as a software engineer that focuses on security in both Web Applications and binaries/scripts that run on the underlying operating systems. I'm on the blue team, and I want to be an expert in detecting and stop bad actors.
Check out my website if you want to see some of my writings on random stuff.
I'm always in the market to learn something.
I'm attending Base Camp Coding Academy located in Water Valley, MS, where I'm learning lots of cool things:
- ☄️Full stack web development with popular back-end libraries and industry standard front-end coding practices
- 💻Proficiency in several languages and the foundational knowledge to quickly pick up others
- 👀Efficient Testing and Test-Driven Development
- 🌱Teamwork, project management, and a whole host of other soft skills
The program is incredibly cool, and I've met lots of working professionals starting their journey into tech.
I'm studying and plan to sit for my CISSP exam within the next few months. I'm always on top of security news and am always looking to be a better blue teamer.
I have several platform-specific classes/courses/trainings, such as Sophos firewalls, random online classes like CS50x from Harvard, and of course, some self-study about math and programming.
Lots of projects for Base Camp in the pipeline.