Initial behaviour tree for Eva. Current verion designed to work with Dmitroid robot and current nodes already developed.
The Owyl Behavior Trees package is required: To install:
git clone [email protected]:eykd/owyl.git
sudo python install
This is meant to be used in conjuction with the robo_blender ROS node.
To run:
rosrun eva_behavior
#####Messages defined:
- event:
string event
string param
Specifies event(new_face,exit) with the face_id as parameter.
- tracking_message
string target
string action
string params
Specifies what to track (topic name that publishes
message), action (track, glance),
params (time to track).
- behavior_switch (std_msgs/String). Values: ("btree_on", "btree_off"). By default the behaviour tree is off and it needs to receive btree_on to start.
- tracking_event (eva_behavior/event). Event received from the perception nodes, currently only pi_vision.
- cmd_blendermode (std_msgs/String). Blender mode used for tracking: Dummy (do nothing), TrackDev(tracking objects), LookAround (looking for attention).
- tracking_action (eva_behavior/tracking_message). Sends the command to blender for specific object tracking (track, glance).
- make_coupled_face_expr (basic_head_api/MakeCoupledFaceExpr). Sends the expression and intensity for the current robot to basic_head_api node.