One of the major challenges in sorting waste at the source is most people are still not properly informed about waste segregation. Artificial intelligence has advanced to a level where I think it can assist humans in quickly sorting junk.
- Data
In order to recognize waste in wild, I train models on the dataset which similar to the real world scenario. Trashnet is the dataset to be used to train models. It consists of 2527 images categorize into 6 classes:
- 501 glass
- 594 paper
- 403 cardboard
- 482 plastic
- 410 metal
- 137 trash
For more details, please check out the repository.
In order to mimic the real world environment, I applied some augmentation technique like RandomBrightnessContrast
, ISONoise
, Blur
, RandomFog
with the help of albumentation.
- Models
I experiment with various Classification models:
- ConvNeXt
- ResNet 50
- ResNet DINO
- ViT
The accuracy on test set is impressive, these models get F1 score at 9x%. But when I test it on the real images, most of the cases it failed. I'm still working on finding a better solution.
- Install dependecies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Check the notebook for more details
Testing on the real world images, I realize that ConNeXT
although the F1 score on test set isn't as good as ViT
but it recognize well on these images. So I create the API with ConvNeXt
as the classifier instead of ViT
. The API load the ONNX model stored on Google Drive, run the code and it will automatically download the model.
For your specific needs, checkout Change PRETRAINED_MODEL
to one of the Hugging Face models, the image preprocessing is based on this. DRIVE_PATH
as the link to your ONNX model, train your own and put it on Google Drive.
- Build the docker image
- Run the container
- Inside the container, execute the following command to run the api