Welcome to Wuphf! It is a social media platform that allows users to wuphf "post" messages on a messaging board. Users have the ability to like and bookmark other user's messages. Each user is also given a profile page, which contains information about the user.
WUPHF was created as a project 3 for General Assembly.
- First, fork and clone the repo
- Next,
npm i
to install required packages - Then lastly, open up the files in your code editor
Git clone [your https url goes here]
cd wuphf-frontend
npm i
npm start
Checkout the planning directory of this repo to view original wireframes and component hierarchy
- As a user, I want the ability to create a personal user profile on.
- As a user, I want the ability to create posts on the platform.
- As a user, I want the ability to edit and delete a post I have made.
- As a user, I want the ability to see other's posts on my "New Feeds" and like then.
- Ability to login and sign out of the platform
- Ability to sign up with new username and password
- News Feeds page renders a list of posts from all users
- Ability to like and un-like posts
- The ability to add new posts
- User profile page contains user information (i.e. photo, name, dob, etc.)
- User profile contains posts that the user has created
- Ability to delete posts on user profile page
- Authentication user's username & password
- Ability to comment on existing posts
- Ability to bookpark posts
- Ability to search for posts, and other users
- Ability to follow other users
- Ability to view other users' profiles
- React
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- https://w3schools.com/
- https://stackoverflow.com
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/css/css_animation_fade_in.htm
- https://fontawesome.com/
Raihan's edit