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CT Recipes

Frinn38 edited this page May 12, 2022 · 20 revisions

Custom Machine recipes can be made with Crafttweaker.

Create a .zs file in the scripts folder (ex: custom_machine_recipes.zs).

Then inside the .zs file you can use mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create(machine, time) to create the custom machine recipe builder, pass it the id of the machine you want to make the recipe for and the duration of the recipe (in ticks).

Add some requirements to the builder then call .build(); to register the recipe.

You can also use .build(recipe_name); to register the recipe with a custom name.
The recipe name can be any string in lowercase and without whitespace or special characters. Also two recipes can't have the same name.

mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create("namespace:machine_id", duration) //Create the builder
// Add requirements here
.build(); //Build and register the recipe
.build(recipe_name); //Same as above but you can set a custom recipe name.



You can add various requirements by calling the methods below directly on the custom machine recipe builder.


Use one of these methods to add an Item Requirement to the recipe.

.requireItem(item, "slot")

.requireItemTag(tag, amount)
.requireItemTag(tag, amount, nbt)
.requireItemTag(tag, amount, nbt, "slot")

.produceItem(item, "slot")
  • The item param must be an IItemStack. Example : <item:minecraft:diamond> * 5
  • The slot param must be a string corresponding to a slot id defined in a custom machine json Item Component slot property.
    It is optional and the default value is "" (no specific slot required).
  • The tag param must be a CT item tag brackets. Example : <tag:items:forge:stone>
  • The amount param must be a positive integer.
  • The nbt param must be a IData. Example : {tag1: 1}.
    It is optional and the default value is no tag required.
    This param MUST be specified if you want to use the slot param after.

Use one of these methods to add a Durability Requirement to the recipe.

.damageItem(item, amount)
.damageItem(item, amount, "slot")

.damageItemTag(tag, amount)
.damageItemTag(tag, amount, nbt)
.damageItemTag(tag, amount, nbt, "slot")

.repairItem(item, amount)
.repairItem(item, amount, "slot")

.repairItemTag(tag, amount)
.repairItemTag(tag, amount, nbt)
.repairItemTag(tag, amount, nbt, "slot")
  • The item param must be an IItemStack. Example : <item:minecraft:diamond> * 5
  • The slot param must be a string corresponding to a slot id defined in a custom machine json Item Component slot property.
    It is optional and the default value is "" (no specific slot required).
  • The tag param must be a CT item tag brackets. Example : <tag:items:forge:stone>
  • The amount param must be a positive integer.
  • The nbt param must be a IData. Example : {tag1: 1}.
    It is optional and the default value is no tag required.
    This param MUST be specified if you want to use the slot param after.

Use one of these methods to add a Fluid Requirement to the recipe.

.requireFluid(fluid, "tank")

.requireFluidTag(tag, amount)
.requireFluidTag(tag, amount, nbt)
.requireFluidTag(tag", amount, nbt, "tank")

.produceFluid(fluid, amount)
.produceFluid(fluid, amount, "tank")

.requireFluidPerTick(fluid, "tank")

.requireFluidTagPerTick(tag, amount)
.requireFluidTagPerTick(tag, amount, "tank")

.produceFluidPerTick(fluid, amount)
.produceFluidPerTick(fluid, amount, nbt)
.produceFluidPerTick(fluid, amount, nbt, "tank")
  • The fluid param must be an IFluidStack. Example : <fluid:minecraft:water> * 1000
  • The nbt param must be a IData. Example : {tag1: 1}.
  • The tank param must be a string corresponding to a tank id defined in a custom machine json Fluid Component tank property.
    It is optional and the default value is no specific slot.
  • The tag param must be a CT fluid tag brackets. Example : <tag:fluids:minecraft:water>
  • The amount param must be a positive integer.

Use one of these methods to add an Energy Requirement to the recipe.




  • The amount param must be a positive integer.

Use one of these methods to add a Time Requirement to the recipe.


.requireTime(["time1", "time2", "etc..."])
  • The time param must be a string or an array of strings. Look at the Time Requirement wiki page to know what to put here.

Use one of these methods to add a Position Requirement to the recipe.

.requirePosition(["position1", "position2", "etc..."])

.biomeWhitelist([biome1, biome2...])

.biomeBlacklist([biome1, biome2...])

.dimensionWhitelist(["dimension1", "dimension2", "etc..."])

.dimensionBlacklist(["dimension1", "dimension2", "etc..."])
  • The position param must be a string or an array of strings. Look at the Position Requirement wiki page to know what to put here.
  • The biome param must be a biome brackets. Example : <biome:minecraft:ocean>
  • The dimension param must be a string defining a valid dimension id. Example : minecraft:overworld

Use this method to add a Fuel Requirement to the recipe.

  • The amount param must be a positive integer that define the amount of fuel burned each tick of the recipe processing.
    Default to 1 when not specified.

Use one of these methods to add a Command Requirement to the recipe.

.runCommandOnStart("command", permissionLevel)
.runCommandOnStart("command", permissionLevel, log)

.runCommandEachTick("command", permissionLevel)
.runCommandEachTick("command", permissionLevel, log)

.runCommandOnEnd("command", permissionLevel)
.runCommandOnEnd("command", permissionLevel, log)
  • The command param must be a string starting by / which will be run as a command.
  • The permissionLevel param must be a positive integer. Default : 2
  • The log param must be a boolean, if true the command will be logged in admin chat as a system command. Default : false

Use one of these methods to add an Effect Requirement to the recipe.

.giveEffectOnEnd(effect, time, radius)
.giveEffectOnEnd(effect, time, radius, level)
.giveEffectOnEnd(effect, time, radius, level, filter)

.giveEffectEachTick(effect, time, radius)
.giveEffectEachTick(effect, time, radius, level)
.giveEffectEachTick(effect, time, radius, level, filter)
  • The effect param must be a Effect brackets. Example : <effect:minecraft:regeneration>
  • The time and radius params must be a positive integer.
  • The level param must be a positive integer. Default : 1
  • The filter param must be an array of entity types. Example : [<entitytype:minecraft:cow>, <entitytype:minecraft:pig>"...] Default : []

Use one of these methods to add a Weather Requirement to the recipe.


  • The weather param must be a string defining the required weather. Valid values : clear, rain, snow, thunder

Use one of these methods to add a Redstone Requirement to the recipe.


.requireRedstone(power, "comparator")
  • The power param must be a positive integer.
  • The comparator param must be a string defining a valid Comparator Mode. Default : >=

Use one of these methods to add a Light Requirement to the recipe.

.requireSkyLight(amount, "comparator")

.requireBlockLight(amount, "comparator")
  • The amount param must be a positive integer between 0 and 15.
  • The comparator param must be a string defining a valid Comparator Mode. Default : >=

Use one of these methods to add an Entity Requirement to the recipe.

.requireEntities(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.requireEntityHealth(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.consumeEntityHeathOnStart(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.consumeEntityHealthOnEnd(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.killEntitiesOnStart(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.killEntitiesOnEnd(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)
  • The amount and radius params must be a positive integer.
  • The filter param must be an array of entity types. Example : [<entitytype:minecraft:cow>, <entitytype:minecraft:pig>"...] Default : []
  • The whitelist param must be a boolean, if true the filter will be a whitelist, if false it will be a blacklist.

Use one of these methods to add a Block Requirement to the recipe.

.requireBlock(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.requireBlock(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
.requireBlock(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, comparator)

.placeBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.placeBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)

.placeBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.placeBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)

.breakAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter, whitelist)

.breakAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter)
.breakAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter, whitelist)

.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnStart("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter, whitelist)

.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter)
.destroyAndPlaceBlockOnEnd("block", startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount, filter, whitelist)

.destroyBlockOnStart(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.destroyBlockOnStart(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)

.destroyBlockOnEnd(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.destroyBlockOnEnd(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)

.breakBlockOnStart(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.breakBlockOnStart(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)

.breakBlockOnEnd(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
.breakBlockOnEnd(filter, whitelist, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, amount)
  • The block param must be a string defining a valid blockstate.
    Using the format namespace:block_id[property1=value1,property2=value2...]{tag1: value1, tag2: value2...} (The [] and {} are optional)
    This is the block that will be placed.
  • The filter param must be an arrays of string defining a valid blockstate.
    This is the blocks that the machine can/can't break depending on the whitelist property.
  • The whitelist param must be a boolean, if true the filter property will be a whitelist, if false a blacklist. Default to false when not specified.
  • The startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ must be integer values defining the box where the machine will search for blocks.
    You can use the in-game Box Creator to select a box and put the values here.
  • The amount param must be a positive integer. Default : 1
  • The comparator param must be a string defining a valid Comparator Mode. Default : ==

Use this method to add a Structure Requirement to the recipe.

.requireStructure(pattern, keys)
  • The pattern param must be an array of array of strings. See pattern.
    Example: [["aaa", "aaa", "aaa"], ["aaa", "ama", "aaa"], ["aaa", "aaa", "aaa"]] Define a 3x3x3 box around the machine m

  • The keys param must be a map of string -> string. See keys.
    The keys of the map must be single characters (except m which is reserved for the machine) and the values must be a block ID with the format: namespace:block_id[state1=value,state2=value] (states are optional).
    Example: {"a": "minecraft:stone", "b": "minecraft:diamond_block"}


    "a a",
    " m "
    ]], {"a": "minecraft:stone"})

A 3x1x3 hollow ring of stone behind the machine.

Loot Table

Use one of these methods to add a Loot Table Requirement to the recipe.


.lootTableOutput("loot_table", luck)
  • The loot_table param must be a string path that point to a loot table. The loot table file must be loaded with a datapack or a loader mod.
    Example: custommachinery:my_test_loottable point to a file in data/custommachinery/loot_tables/my_test_loottable.json

  • The luck param must be a float. Default is 0.0 and it can be used in the loot table to alter the quantity of generated items.


Use one of these methods to add a Drop Requirement to the recipe.

//Check for a specific item.
.checkDrop(item, amount, radius)
//Check for any item.
.checkAnyDrop(amount, radius)
//Check for a list of items.
.checkDrops(filter, amount, radius)
.checkDrops(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

.consumeDropOnStart(item, amount, radius)
//Consume any drop at the end of the recipe.
.consumeDropOnStart(amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnStart(filter, amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnStart(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

.consumeDropOnEnd(item, amount, radius)
//Consume any drop at the end of the recipe.
.consumeDropOnEnd(amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnEnd(filter, amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnEnd(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

  • The item param must be an IItemStack. Example : <item:minecraft:diamond> * 5
  • The amount param must be a positive integer, it represents the amount of items checked/consumed.
  • The radius param must be a positive integer, it represents the maximum distance to the machine the items will be searched.
  • The filter param must be an array of IItemStack. Example : [<item:minecraft:diamond> * 5, <item:minecraft:cobblestone>]. It represents a whitelist of items to search.
  • The whitelist param must be a boolean, if set to false the filter will be a blacklist instead of a whitelist.

Use one of these methods to add a function that must be processed by the machine to continue the recipe.

Note: This has nothing to do with MC functions (or commands), this requirement allow you to make your own code in ZenScript and pass it to be executed by the machine.

//These imports are needed, put these 3 lines on top of the script.
import mods.custommachinery.Context;
import mods.custommachinery.Result;
import mods.custommachinery.Machine;

//Executed when the machine is idle and search a recipe to process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to process this recipe (if all other requirements allow it as well).
//Returning error will prevent the machine to process this recipe (the machine will keep searching for another valid recipe).
.requireFunctionToStart((ctx as Context) => {return Result.success()})

//Executed the first tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionOnStart((ctx as Context) => {return Result.success()})

//Executed each tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionEachTick((ctx as Context) => {return Result.success()})

//Executed the last tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionOnEnd((ctx as Context) => {return Result.success()})
  • The passed function MUST return a Result.
  • Valid results are : Result.success() and Result.error("Error message")
  • Context has various methods for interacting with the machine, see it's wiki page
  • The function can be delayed, put .delay(delay) directly after any .requireFunctionXXX() call to make the function be executed at the specified delay.

Example :

import mods.custommachinery.Context;
import mods.custommachinery.Result;
import mods.custommachinery.Machine;

mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create("custommachinery:power_crusher", 100)
	.requireFunctionOnEnd((ctx as Context) => {
		var machine = ctx.machine as Machine;
		var output = machine.addItemToSlot("output1", <item:minecraft:diamond>, false);
			return Result.error("Couldn't put a diamond in output slot.");
		    return Result.success();

Requirements special properties

Some requirements (almost all) have various properties that can change its behaviour.

To set these properties you must call one or several of the methods below immediatly after the desired requirement. The properties will only be applied on the latest added requirement when the method is called.

If the latest added requirement doesn't support the property an error will be logged and nothing will happen (the property will be ignored).


Use this method to add a chance property to the latest added requirement.

  • The chance param must be a double between 0.0 and 1.0 included.

Supported requirements :

  • Command
  • Drop
  • Durability
  • Energy
  • Energy Per Tick
  • Fluid
  • Fluid Per Tick
  • Item

Use this method to set a delay for the requirement action.

The requirement will only execute its action after the specified delay.

  • The delay param must be a double between 0.0 and 1.0 excluded. 0 represent the start of the recipe and 1 represent its end.

Supported requirements :

  • Block
  • Command
  • Drop
  • Function


Use the method below to set the priority of the recipe.

If this method is called several times only the latest will be used.

If this is called AFTER .jei() (no need to be immediatly after) this will act as the "jeiPriority" instead, defining the priority of the recipe to show in jei instead of the priority to be checked in the machine.

If no priority is set, the default value : 0 will be used.

  • The priority param must be an integer value.


If the method below is called, all requirements added after that will be added to the jei property requirement list.


This action cannot be inverted, you must add all your recipe requirements before calling it.

Requirements added after this method will only be displayed in jei but executed by the machine. Learn more here.

Examples :

Example 1

A 100 tick recipe that use 5mB of water, 5mB of any fluid with tag lava and 20FE per tick to create a stone.

mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create("custommachinery:stone_generator", 100)
.requireFluid(<fluid:minecraft:water> * 5)
.requireFluidTag(<tag:fluids:minecraft:lava>, 5)


Example 2

A 200 tick recipe that use 1 item with tag stone and 20FE per tick to create 1 cobblestone, 1 gravel with 50% chance and 1 sand with 10% chance.

mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create("custommachinery:power_crusher", 200)
.requireItemTag(<tag:items:forge:stone>, 1)


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