I am a caching wrapper for
. I cache both sources
and data produced by their respective getTile()
var tilelive = require("tilelive"),
cache = require("tilelive-cache")(tilelive, {
size: 10, // 10MB cache (the default)
sources: 6, // cache a maximum of 6 sources (the default); you may
// need to change this if you're using lots of
// composed sources
closeDelay: 30 // wait 30s (the default) before closing sources when
// they've been evicted; this should prevent drain errors in
// tilelive-mapnik
// ...
// initializes or loads a tilelive-mapnik source
cache.load("mapnik://./stylesheet.xml", function(err, source) {
// ...
// generates or loads a tile from the cache
return source.getTile(12, 1213, 1491, function(err, data, headers) {
// ...
To warm the cache, call load()
without a callback: