Create a program that converts CSV files into JSON files, using the csvtojson
The program should accept one or two arguments. If no arguments are passed, the program should exit the process and print a message to the user (see examples).
If only one argument is passed, the program should convert the file in that path to a json file in the same directory.
If two arguments are passed, the program should write the file to the path in the second argument.
If the program cannot read or write the file, it should print out a message to the user (see examples).
$ node index.js demo.csv
> "JSON file saved at: demo.json"
$ node index.js demo.csv hello.json
> "JSON file saved at: hello.json"
$ node index.js
> "Please provide a csv file to convet to JSON"
$ node index.js dem.csv hello.json
> "Something went wrong, Could not write json to: hello.json"