Delivery Mechanism: XIFI Federation
cd FederationManager
mvn clean install
cd ../../server/wildfly
- log into WildFly AS at localhost:9990 with username "admin" and password "admin"
- under the Profile tab add a new datasource and follow the steps listed in the pictures below
- edit the username and password regarding your MySql server installation
- the registered datasource might have to be enabled
The Federation Manager application defines a set of preferences for configuration. The location of the preferences file depends on the OS used.
- tokenLocation - url to fetch oauth access token, example
- redirectURI - callback url registered at IDM
- userLocation - url to fetch user based on access token
- clientId - client id assigned by IDM
- environment - defines the role of the user to use, either "dev_member", "dev_admin", "dev_fm" for development environment or "production" if to be used with IDM authentication/authorization
- errorPage - defines the URL for an error page
- clientSecret - client secret assigned by IDM
- authLocation - url of oauth entry point
copy the build war-file (step "compile") to server/wildfly/standalone/deployments/
By default, the application runs in development mode, this means no outh identificaton is required.
To change the role of the user connected, edit the preference environment
- dev_member: A user which is a member of an organization, without rights to edit or create new infrastructures.
- dev_admin: A user which is given the admin role by its organization. Can create, edit or delete infrastructures.
- dev_fm: A user which belongs to the FederationManager organization. Can see, edit and delete all infrastructures registered.
- production: This value enables oauth identification, other preferences must be adjusted as well. See the documentation of the IDMfor details