#FEWD87 Homework #5 - Weather App
You will build a Weather Application takes a Celsius temperature input and converts it to Fahrenheit and changes the background image according to the weather.
###Technical Requirements
The "look and feel" of this application is totally up to you, make the application your own. The following basic requirements are:
- Users of your application should be presented with a text field; this text field is where they will enter a temperature in Celsius
- After the user enters in the temperature they should be able to submit their temperature conversion request (either via a click or submit event)
- Upon submitting their request, the user should see the following:
- The converted temperature in Fahrenheit should be displayed to the user
- The background image should change based on the displayed temperature
Example: If the converted temperature is 10 F (degrees) the background image should represent something cold. Make the application your own - choose your own background images